Chapter 10

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I went through yesterday sort of half asleep. I packed Alans bag for him and made sure Austin had everything he needed. Evan was taking it harder than I was.  The whole house felt somber as we all realized how close we had gotten in the last month or so. We decided to order in tonight so that we had this one final night before they all left for tour together. I knew that Aaron and Tino were moving out but I don't think Evan knew yet and no one wanted to be the one to break the news to her.

"Whatcha thinking about?" Alan asked walking out in a blue flannel and a pair of grey sweatpants. His hair was wet from the shower he had just taken.

" A lot of stuff lately. I'm just worried that something bads goanna happen you know?" I said motioning for him to come sit on the couch. Nala was on the headrest behind me just purring away. Alan scratched his ears and nala cringed a bit not expecting it. I rested my head on Alan's chest as he threw his arm around me.  The food should be here any moment

"Nothings going to happen. Its just a small tour around cali and I'll never be to far away. I promise to face time you every night and call you in-between. Angel I love you. Seriously I know that's moving fast but its true. Nothing bad will happen," Alan said reassuringly.

"I love you too Alan. Just be careful okay?" I asked and he chuckled while getting up to answer the door. Just thinking about the guys leaving made this house look huge and empty. The white walls seemed to move closer and closer every time I thought about it and I kept noticing the sliding door doesn't have a lock. I only came out of my head when Austin snapped his fingers in my face. I smiled half heartedly at him and got up to go into the kitchen. I sat on Alans lap as the table only had four chairs. Good thing we wont need to buy more after Aaron and tino move. Evan was quite the talker tonight and that was a surprise to all of us as she had been so quite for so long now. I think she just spoke to fill the silence. After everyone was done I cleaned up the plates and put them into dishwasher. It was dark outside and the thermometer on the window said it was below 50 degrees outside. The stars were bright and shining and while looking at them I felt relieved.

"see its not so bad babe. It will all be over sooner than you know it," Alan said. I was just upset  that I couldn't go with them I guess.

"If you say so babe," I said drying my hands and hugging him. His bare chest felt warm against my cold face. I hadn't even realized I opened the window.

"Come on lets go to bed," Alan said with a sly look on his face. I felt the blood rush to my cheeks as we quietly rushed upstairs.

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