Chapter 40.

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2 months later.

Angle's P.O.V.

I couldn't sleep. Alan had been on tour for 7 weeks and four hours now and I was still a worried mess about it. Every time I talked to him he said he was fine. Restless even. Austin said all he wants to do is get off the damn bus. I had been staying in Evan's  on the couch mostly. We had been getting by together. When one of us had a craving or some stupid request the other would go get what ever we wanted. Today was actually a big day and now that it was nine and now that it was an appropriate time to get Evan up I did.

"Evan! Come on today's the day today's the day," I said opening her door and throwing back the curtian just like in a disney movie.

"Ugh five more minutes?" She asked. I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"No. you know i have to visit Michael today. I didn't last week and I don't want to push it. Plus I need you there incase anything happens," I said. I had neglected to visit Michael in prison on account of i didn't actually feel like it. I had started to show withing the last couple of weeks and we were going to put off finding out the sex of the baby till the boy's got back but we decided to just do it anyway. They didn't want to wait that long and neither did we really.

"Alright fine. Lemme shower!" Evan said. I smiled.

"Okay. I'm gonna be next door doing the same so I guess just meet there," I said. I didn't want to waist any time. My phone was already blowing up like mad from texts from Alan.

"Hey. Did you go yet?" Alan texted last.

"No. Bout to shower," I said.

"okay well facetime me when it happens. Me and Austin want to see it for ourselves," Alan said. I smiled like a fool while unlocking my door and walking through to the bathroom. I didn't generally take long to shower, it was more of the getting ready that took a while. I may be pregnant but damn it I am still allowed to look good.  Evan came over just as i had finsished getting changed. I grabbed my make up and did very minimal today.

"So how long is this drive?" She asked me.

"Not long. Just anoying when you are pissed," I said. There was a lot of traffic normally but today we were leaving late enough that it shouldn't affect us.

"Traffic?" She asked as we waked out to the car.

"Yeah. But if we leave now we can miss the lunch rush," I said rushing her a bit.

"Sounds good to me! Let's just get this over with," She said.


Sorry for the fluff but at least now you have something to look forward to ;)

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