chapter 20

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We got in to LA pretty late and apparently just missed Austin and Evan at the airport. Luckily the traffic was substantially lighter tonight that it would be had we come home Friday. My ring caught the light of every street lamp we passed and it still felt foreign on my finger. It was almost like I was dreaming. Alan was quite tired as he didn't sleep the whole flight home. The turbulence was horrific but surprisingly I wasn't worried. When we pulled up to the apartment I ran in the door.

"Yo! Love doves! ya'll home?" I yelled upstairs and almost like a flood gate opened as both Austin and Evan ran down to meet us. Evan practically jumped in my arms.

"I missed you!" I yelled boisterously. It was almost like a big family reunion.

"Who got married again?" Alan said as he walked through the door and put our luggage down, heading for the kitchen.

"So I have a husband and a wife!" Evan giggled letting go of me. I smiled as we moved to the couch.

"Don't even act like you and Austin aren't bromance married!" I laughed along.

"We're not!" Alan said defensively and like that Austin flew across the room giving Alan a bear hug.

"AWW they are such beasties!" I said touched by the public display of affection.

"We'll leave you two alone if you need it!" Evan said giggling and pulling me by the wrist to her room slamming the door behind us. She had definitely got whatever she needed in Hawaii.

"So how'd it go?" She asked with a giggle. I smiled remembering Disney.

"Better than expected!" I said flashing my ring subtly.

"NO WAY!" she said excitedly becoming fixated on my ring.

"Yeah!" I said keeping my ring up.

"Congrats! you'd better start saving now knowing your plans!" She said teasing me. She looked really happy and it put a smile on my face. I was glad she was getting some semblance of a life back.

"Whatever. Anyway how did your trip go?" I asked hunting for juicy details.

"Fine," She said nonchalantly.

"Fine?!? just fine?!? you gotta give me more than that!" I said pleading with her.

"Well we didn't really do much. It was just us lounging around with eachother but it was really relaxing so I loved it!" She said trying to play it down.

"I feel bad. You're wedding sucked, and your honeymoon was boring!" I laughed.

"HEY! don't you be knocking my wedding," She threatened jokingly. I smiled glad to have my best friend back.

"So what are you going to do today?" I asked once my laughing had stopped. It was well after midnight now.

"Sleep for a week! and then checking with the police for any updates!" She said becoming earlily serious.

"yeah. I guess it's a little late to make plans," I said remembering now I was in a different time zone it was only nine here.

"I might go visit my mom tomorrow," She said quietly causing me to look up.

"Really?" I said just a a quietly.

"Yeah I haven't been back since she was buried. It's time I did," Evan said with a smile on her face.

"I can go with you if you want. I know it'll be emotional and the boys are jumping right back into work. It's no problem really," I said with a smile.

"No I'd rather go alone, I just want some alone time you know," she said. I nodded.

"Yeah I understand I visited my parents over the Trip too," I said patting her hand and yawning.

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