Chapter 14

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Angels P.O.V.

Nearly a week had gone by and the boys were working hard. Home life was a little difficult as Evan and Austin had on and off fights.  I hated seeing them unhappy but I was glad this was taking its course now instead of after they were already 'happily married'. Today was one of the days the boys had off so Alan and I decided to get out of the house.

"I'm worried about them," Alan said as we got in the car.

"I know I am too but we can't exactly do anything to help them," I told them. Normally I was Mrs. Fix it, but when it comes to relationships I wanted to stay out of it.

"I know but it's bumming everyone out. The studio is so tense and it's driving people crazy!" Alan said as we drove to the beach. The beach had become our place of solace. We needed to get away from that stress and tension and had even discussed moving out but we didn't want to do that to Evan because if the fight ever got really bad she could use our room.

"Just let it take it's course you know. I'm sure they will work it out," I said trying to end the conversation. I didn't like discussing things like this if we were trying to get away from it. The drive was fun as we got off the sticky subject and eased into every day talks. Occasionally we would have really deep eye opening talks and today it was on weather or not marriage was a good thing or a bad thing and if it was even worth it. I of course think it is worth it but Alan brought up a lot of good points.

"Hey Angel?" Alan spoke up after we watched the tide roll in and out for a while. Watching the calm of the ocean put me in a place of serenity.

"yeah?" I said tilting my head up so I could look at him properly. I laid my head on his chest as he rubbed circles in my back.

"Why don't we go visit your Aunt?" Alan asked with a smile. I had never even thought to invite him to see my aunt. To be honest, when I got with Michael I put my family out of sight and mind.

"We can if you want. I hope she's open to having visitors. She knows I had planned on coming down but I was supposed to be taking Evan to look at wedding venues. Maybe some down time away from Evan and Austin would do us both some good.

"I finish up my guitar stuff in a little over a month," Alan said. That means he would be working through Christmas.

"Can we go there for Christmas. Come on I know you don't want to work though Christmas," I told him. He smiled down at me.

"Okay we can do that but only if we go to my parent's for new years. I can't keep a secret and they are dying to meet you," Alan said with a sheepish grin. I giggled and stood up.

"It's a plan then," I said and started walking toward the water. It was cold but I still wanted to wade through it.

"Angel what are you doing? You're going to catch a cold!" Alan said.

"But the water is so calming," I said. 

"Come on we better get back. I have to be in the studio in an hour," Alan said as a final push to get me out of the water. My smile fell as I walked back to the car.

A/N sorry for the short update. There is more drama and action to come I promise!

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