CHAPTER 3: Pizza and Bananas

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Camila's POV

Sometimes, I wonder how I got so lucky to have Lauren as my friend. I mean, Ally and Mani are great too, and god knows how much I love Dinah. But Lauren is different. There's something about her that excites me. All I know is that the moment I first saw her (or heard her voice), I already felt drawn to her.

She's just so cool, you know?

She was someone that I wish I could have been. Someone who's confident, and knew who she was and what her style is, and is very passionate about a lot of things, and isn't afraid to defend her beliefs and principles.

I remember the moment we first met and she approached me, we got to talk and found out how similar we were in some things, right then I promised myself that I would never let her go no matter what. I kept crossing my fingers that Lauren wouldn't realize how uncool I was and decide to ditch me for others.

She never left my side ever since.

From our X-Factor days, to the release of our EP, up until now that our first full album was a success, Lauren and I have just gotten closer and closer. So close that when we have our breaks from Fifth Harmony stuff, we still find ourselves together, having sleepovers or whatever since we live in the same city. Our families have also grown quite fond of each other, so it's not weird that we are basically inseparable, Lauren and I.

It's not only her personality or her intelligence that drew me to her – although, those played huge parts in my attraction to her. It's the way she treats me, like I was hers; I may be misinterpreting the stuff she does, that's a big possibility, but I can't deny the fact that I love it when she gets all territorial when it comes to me, or acts jealous when others have my attention.

See, that's why I get confused with her sometimes. I know she's just being a big sister to me, but it's hard for me sometimes to draw the line, you know?

The way she grabs my waist during interviews or when photos of us are being taken, like she lets the whole world knows I'm hers, and hers alone?  Or maybe she just likes to keep me by her side so she could protect me, knowing how much of a klutz I am and that I have this amazing talent of tripping or falling on my ass on a daily basis. I'd rather believe it's the former, I'm a hopeless romantic, after all.

Or when she stares at me a few seconds too long when I speak (or even when I don't speak at all!), the way she gives me those penetrating gazes, or when she makes sure that I don't get disrespected by anyone.

And when I sleep over at her house? She always make it a point to wake up early to cook me breakfast, when it's a fact known to mankind that Lauren is definitely not an early bird! Every single time, I wake up with breakfast in bed. C'mon! That really does all sorts of things to me. Even the grumpiest person in the world would be smiling like a goof and getting tingly feelings if they wake up to breakfast in bed prepared by Lauren Jauregui.

Yeah, she's definitely the sweetest. But then, I also love her strong personality. She's so sassy and takes no shit from anyone. When I read comments online about her being "Daddy Lauren" or "Boyfriend Lauren" it really amuses me to no end because I like the sound of that. There were quite a few times that I almost called her Daddy to her face, like when I was asking her to pass the salt I literally choked on my steak barely able keep the word from spilling my mouth. Because that just sounds so kinky and I don't want her to think I'm a creep.

Yes, I do follow everything that's Camren-related, I've been doing that even before she showed me her laptop that night on the bus but I didn't want her to think that I was obsessed, so I kinda lied to her when I said I only knew little about our ship.

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