CHAPTER 1: #CamRen

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Lauren's PoV

The tour bus was eerily silent, except for the occasional snores coming from Dinah's bunk, which was not surprising since it's already late at night and we all had an exhausting day after a very hectic mall tour. But I couldn't sleep yet.

Wearing my Ninja Turtle onesies, with my laptop on my pillow, I was widely awake exploring Tumblr – as it has always been my routine every night. I love Tumblr so much. It's like an extension of myself where I can pour out what I feel inside without having to say much because the artsy photos and quotes I find in there could easily sum up my thoughts and emotions. Sure, people misconstrue every little shit I post in there, but at the same time, it feels as if it's my private little sanctuary. They can hypothesize all they want about my likes and reblogs, I really don't care. It's my way of momentarily escaping the outside world, but also letting others the opportunity to take a peek into my soul, that is if they could interpret my reblogs accurately.

So, I was mindlessly clicking random shit when something caught my eye that made me stop scrolling. It's a GIF of me and Camila during our X-Factor days. Those tweet/text interview shit, you know those ones. The gif kept flashing the images on repeat: Camila's arm slung over my shoulder, her head resting on my other shoulder, my hand interlacing with hers, and my thumb slowly brushing her hand.

 The gif kept flashing the images on repeat: Camila's arm slung over my shoulder, her head resting on my other shoulder, my hand interlacing with hers, and my thumb slowly brushing her hand

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I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion when I read the caption: "#CamrenIsReal #LaurMila #Camren"

Camren?! And LaurMila, really? Obviously, it's a mix of our names, but my question is why?

And what the fuck does "Camren is real" even mean?

A small part of me screamed danger, like a spider-sense tingling, warning me to ignore it and just look away; that I'll regret it once I step foot inside this Camren hellhole because it's a fucking trap, a quicksand that'll swallow me whole with no chance of escape. I've read somewhere before that the door to the dark side only swings one way.

Do I really wanna know?

As they say, curiosity killed the cat, so consider me dead - chalk drawings, blood all over the floor, and my mangled corpse strewn about - the whole bloody nine yards.

Immediately going to the search bar and typing in 'Camren', my eyes widened with disbelief as I scrolled down through an insane amount of GIFS, photos, videos, and even fan fiction involving Camila and I. Clicking on a link got me to click on another link, and another, until I found myself staring at a shitload of titles on 5hfanfiction.tumblr.

The things written in there, wow, I can't even.

Has Camila seen this?? God, I hope not! It's appalling. Well, okay, it's kind of interesting, if you look at it in another way. I mean, I'm not gonna lie, if you find stories with you as the main character, you're bound to wanna take a peek just a little bit.

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