CHAPTER 4: #CamrenIsDead

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Lauren's POV

"Don't tell me you're agreeing with them, Lauren?" Camila's lips were quivering, a tell-tale sign that she's fighting back tears, as she confirmed what's already obvious.

We were inside my car which was still parked at the basement of the building where we just had the meeting that will change the fate of our friendship drastically.

Both of us were informed this morning that our bosses and our PR team wanted to talk to us – Camila and I – and out of all the theories that we speculated on as to why they wanted to talk to only the two of us, we never expected this. Camila thought the label was removing us from the group or something like that, and I insisted that it's impossible since she plays a big part as lead vocals, but in retrospect, I think getting fired would have been easier than what they actually wanted us to do.

To stop being friends. Or at least stop being friends in public.

Camila and I were too shocked to say anything at first, while the people controlling Fifth Harmony's career droned on and on about "image" and "assumptions" and that while "they're certain" that nothing's going on between us, the media and the fandom see something else, and that is as equally damaging as if it were real facts.

My mind kept replaying what just happened moments ago.

"We just don't want your talent to be overshadowed by constant bombardment of dating rumors between you two. People don't even realize that you guys can actually sing. They just obsess over CamRen." Whats-his-face air-quoted our ship name with a smirk, as if it's a totally ludicrous concept. He rambled on, his grating voice which is probably a product of years of smoking is quickly getting on my nerves. "It's unfair to both of you, and to the other girls, to be known as "that lesbian group" or "that girl group with CamRen in it" because that's what has been happening lately."

Wait, woah bitch, back the hell up! I gritted my teeth as I kept myself from shouting at him and throwing the water bottle I'm holding straight at his face. It's time that I put my softball skills to good use.

Of course, what I really did was take a sip from my water bottle in an attempt to get rid of the lump that has formed in my throat. I don't even know what they're saying. They could call me whatever they want, but I doubt that Camila is a lesbian! Poor girl must be feeling so awkward right now. These people are crazy. The biz is crazy. No wonder popstars have mental breakdowns and shave their heads.

I heard Camila in a shaky voice say, "But we're not – I mean, we're just friends... You can't expect us to not be friends just because you people assume we're actually more than that? Because that's messed up. I'll never stop being friends with Lauren."

I felt my heart constrict at her words, and instinctively grabbed her hand and rubbed my thumb over her own as a way to soothe her. The appreciative smile she gave me made my heart flutter. I've always felt protective towards her since the beginning, probably because I see her as a little sister. She's so adorable, and it's obvious that she looks up to me when we first met at the X-Factor auditions, and I just felt this natural instinct to be the big sister and to be there for her always, and hug her when she needs one, or hold her hand when she feels sad. I'm just too fond of her to be anything else other than what she needs.

That's why this meeting is breaking my heart. I can't imagine my life without Camila. Even if it's just an act in public, it won't still feel right to denounce our friendship like that. But then again, it's also unfair for the other girls to suffer the consequences of our stubbornness and inability to compromise with the people handling our careers. You see how I'm so torn right now?

"See, that's what we're talking about." I looked up towards the source of the voice and saw Sandra, a middle-aged woman in an elegant suit, holding an iPhone in her left hand while impatiently tapping a pen on the table with her right. She was looking at us as if she's judging us, a look of hmmm, what is it, disgust, I don't know. It's painfully obvious she doesn't approve of us.

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