Epilogue: Uncover

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Two years later

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Lauren's PoV

I loved her so much. But one day, she just went away.

Everything was a blur. Everything was confusing. I just woke up one day and realized that everything I have worked hard for went down the drain. The group has disbanded when Camila decided to go solo.

We did try to work it out, Camila and I, despite the fact that Camila had to keep her straight girl image, we still managed to hold on to our relationship and make it work. We were happy for a while. Even if it felt like we were back to square one, hiding our relationship, hiding who we are, we still managed to survive.

But shit happens, especially in an industry where love rarely thrives. This industry is insensitive to feelings and emotions, it's only responsive to the glitz and glamour... to what shines and what seems to look good to people. And, apparently, Camila shines brighter with Justin Bieber. It's the perfect set-up, according to Roger. "The power couple of our generation."

I tried to understand. In fact, we were still okay for a few months of CaBieber "going steady" -- can I just say how fucking ugly their ship name is?? It sounds like a fucking bacteria or an STD. Jamila is no better. Anyway, we were fine at first, like I said, we really did our best to make us work.

But when her team started insisting that CaBieber should move on to the next level of their relationship, that pecks on the cheeks or occasional handholding wouldn't suffice anymore, we started to crumble. Camila couldn't say no to her management's idea of great PR, no matter how hard she put her foot down. Her image was her label's business, it's all part of the contract she willingly signed when she was offered a solo career. Nobody was listening to her. She was at the prime of her career and she needed that one push which would catapult her album and popularity to the highest peak possible, and could most likely earn her a record-breaking streak at, well, everything.

Once again, we found ourselves broken up. Probably for good this time. Seeing Camila and Justin make out everywhere, was hard enough, but reading about their supposed engagement one fine morning was the final straw for me. I couldn't deal with the hiding anymore, especially when I have gotten through all the fuss of my own coming-out just so I wouldn't hide my relationship. Why does it feel that I'm a dirty little secret, when I've sacrificed everything just so I could shout to the whole world that I love Camila?

I turned to Lucy, as always. She saved me once again.

Maybe, Camila and I weren't destined to be together in this lifetime.

Maybe, it's supposed to be Lucy all along.

Whoever said that Camila and I are one true--

"Are you done writing, baby?" I felt warm arms snake around my waist, and the familiar scent of the love of my life wafted through my nostrils as I inhaled her, the very definition of comfort and warmth and love invaded my entire being.

"Almost. Just a few more paragraphs, then I'll start polishing this chapter, and it's ready to be published soon." I mumbled, as my fingers continued typing on my laptop.

I felt my girlfriend's chin rest on my shoulder as she looked at what I was typing, popping her gum noisily which I tried to ignore.

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