CHAPTER 12: Cosmic Love

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Lauren's POV

"Doofus McVomit." I heard Camila say.

What the fuck does that even mean? Is that some sort of baby talk? I stared at her in confusion and I would have laughed at her blushing face if she didn't look so embarrassed. I didn't wanna make her feel uncomfortable, so I just zipped my mouth and tried to figure out what she meant. Is it some sort of a password, or her favorite Harry Potter character, what?

But then I recall her calling Luis a doofus when we texted before.

"You mean Luis?" I asked.

She nodded her head, refusing to look me in the eye. The look of pure embarrassment on her face was so epic I really wanted to laugh. I'm not even mad at her for calling Luis that, although I'm wondering how she came up with that vomit bit. I chuckled and I saw her look up with a scared expression on her face, as if waiting for me to violently react at her obvious slip-up.

"So, what about Luis?" I urged her.

After a while, she again finally decided to speak up.

"I'm jealous of him." She whispered.

Haven't I assured her already, though? I told her she doesn't have to be threatened just because I'm dating him. He's not even on the same level as Camila. He's just a pretty boy that I like to look at, you know. He's a decent guy and he's one of my oldest friends and I do love making out with him. But Camila will always be my bestfriend. She's special. I'd drop him in a heartbeat if I had to choose between the two of them, there's no question about it. Camila should know that by now.

"Camz, I already told you that –"

"Look, I know what you said before. Obviously, you don't get what I meant." Her words poured out of her mouth quickly, as if she's getting impatient. Feisty much?

"Okay... Care to explain, because obviously I'm being a bit slow on the uptake, aren't I?" I raised my eyebrow at her. All in good humor, though.

"Obviously." She muttered under her breath.

She licked her lips slowly, making me involuntarily recall that night when we kissed. Okay, shut it down, you fuck, I remind myself to focus on the present, shutting down the images that flashed through my mind that fateful night.

I saw her take a deep breath and then she looked me in the eye. When I saw her brown eyes, so dark and intense, I was seriously blown away by her gaze. At that moment I knew that what she was about to say was a big deal. For some reason, my heart started beating faster and I just became nervous all of a sudden. Like, everything that I started feeling but couldn't pinpoint, suddenly made sense.

Somehow, I felt like I knew what she's about to say, but also, I wasn't sure. Because, this is Camila in front of me. My bestfriend. I'm scared of what she has to say because I don't know how to react if she's gonna say what I think she'll say. Say, that's a lot of "say" in one sentence don't you think? I'm blabbering. I ramble when I get nervous, and I told you I'm nervous right now.

"Do you promise not to judge me or get mad at me or slap me, or I don't know, unfollow me on Twitter?" Her pitch was getting higher and for a second I was afraid she was gonna pop a vein.

"Camz, chill! You're acting all crazy. What did you do?"

"Just promise me, Lauren!"

I can see that she's on the verge of some sort of mini-breakdown, so I nodded. "I promise." Then added quickly to be funny, "I mean, unless you try to kill me, then I can't promise you anything."

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