CHAPTER 14: So High

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Lauren's POV

Once the livestream ended, I practically dragged Camila out of the room before they even got the chance to interrogate her some more. Dinah and Mani refused to let us go at first, not until Camila told them who the mystery "guy" was, but after Ally mediated, we came to an agreement that tonight we needed rest, and that we will resume chatting about it tomorrow.

So, here we were in our room, Camila was in her own bed while I just got out of the shower. It was pretty quiet. Camila wasn't talking and I was busy towel-drying my hair, my back was turned towards her, but I felt her staring at me.

To be honest, I was a bit nervous, and Camila probably was feeling awkward too because we just made out on the plane (woohoo Mile High Club Jr.!!) and man was that heavy! So you must understand how we must be feeling now.

A week ago, we were plain best friends (granted, bffs who were ignoring each other, whatever) then we started kissing, and then Camila tells me she's in love with me. Then we made out inside a toilet room above the sky with a cockblocking attendant knocking at the door, and now we're here in a hotel room, just the two of us, in our pjamas.

Everything happened so fast, it's normal to suddenly feel like you don't know what to say, right?

"Hey, Lo?" I froze when I heard Camila's voice.

I stopped drying my hair and turned around to face her. "Yes?" I asked.

"If you keep on rigorously towelling your hair  like that for another minute longer I think it will burst into flames."

I put down my towel, being the doofus that I am, as if I was scalded because she has a point. I've been thinking too much that I didn't notice that I was about to go bald from my intense towel-drying. I took a deep breath, got up, walked to the other side of my bed near Camila, and sat on the edge facing her. She sat up straight as if she was just waiting for me to initiate the conversation.

"So..." I started.

"So..." I smiled when she mimicked me.

I never had a problem talking to people but now I'm suddenly feeling like an introverted nervous wreck in front of Camila? She's my bestfriend for crying out loud.

For fuck's sake it shouldn't be this hard! Suck it up, Jauregui, you can do this.

Taking deep cleansing breaths, I let me nervousness melt away along with every release of carbon dioxide from my lungs.

Yeah I can so do this.

"So you died and went to heaven huh?" I grinned at her. Her laughter broke the tension and any remaining awkwardness vanished as if it was never even been there.

"Hmm, yeah. I think I saw an angel up there. She has green eyes. And she kisses so well." Camila teased. She was blushing though and I liked it. I also liked the fact that she said I'm a good kisser.

Okay, this is a good start. I guess, it's not as difficult as I thought it would be. Might as well go straight to the point.

"When did you fall in love with me, Camz?"

Her pretty brown eyes widened at my straightforward question, and she looked down for a few seconds (her long lashes covering her eyes so beautifully) that I thought she wouldn't answer. But when she looked back up, I saw the intensity of her eyes and felt her raw emotions.

"I've been asking myself the same question, Lauren. I guess, I've always been attracted to you, like who wouldn't be, right? Those eyes, my god, have you seen your eyes, Lo? I melt every time you stare at me. Everything about you I love."

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