CHAPTER 20: Gooey

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A/N: So this one is basically a filler, but still... It's a glimpse of their dynamics when surrounded with people.


Lauren's POV

"Favorite fruit?" The radio host asked us.

Everybody started talking at once, as usual, but my ears have already been trained to focus on Camila's voice and I distinctly heard her answer a little bit too excitedly for such a boring question.

"Plan-fucking-tains!" She squealed.

I chuckled softly. She's the only person I know who could get really excited over bananas, it's crazy. My girlfriend is a fucking monkey, I tell ya.

I saw her glance at me, my heart immediately started thudding faster but I pretended that everything's normal so I turned away to listen to the host before anybody noticed our secret little glances. Camila wasn't known for subtlety so it's my job to maintain the right amount of control and distance between us when we're in public.

I was seated at the end, with Ally beside me, and Normani at the middle. Dinah was standing behind Normani, while Camila was standing on the other end, so I was in her full view. Halfway through the interview, while talking about our single, Bo$$, I got this feeling that someone was watching me and I automatically glanced at Camila, and sure enough, she was looking at me intensely, her forefinger and middle finger were on her bottom lip, and she was slowly putting them inside her mouth.

When she saw that I was looking at her, I don't know if she did this on purpose okay, she glanced away but then she fucking moved her fingers in and out of her mouth and I knew she thought she was being subtle, but my god, she totally wasn't.

I felt my lower abdomen constrict with arousal. My mind told me to look away before anybody noticed but I was fucking hypnotized by what's she's doing – her fingers, still inside her mouth, were moving inside teasingly, and just ever so slightly, that nobody would think it weird unless they were aware that she just fingered my pussy until my knees buckled this morning.

Okay, I lied. I knew she's doing this on purpose. She's reminding me what she did to me and telling me that she could probably still taste me in her fingers right now. This bitch! Making a show that only the two of us would get.

Finally, I was able to force myself to look away before I fucking pull down that floral off-shoulder blouse she's wearing and start fucking her face in front of all these people. That would be so bad though. It would be so naughty.

Okay, I need to seriously stop.

It took me a few seconds to calm down, I'm sure that if anyone looked closer, they'll know that something's going on between the two of us.

Note to self: Remind Camila to fucking control her thirst.


Camila's POV

We were all in the torture chamber as I liked to call our dance studio, taking a break, and my eyes scanned for Lauren who I found sitting on the floor at the far corner, reading a book. I debated with myself whether I should approach her or not, but the invisible string that connects me to her never failed to pull me towards her. Besides, Dinah was too busy snapchatting, and Mani was stretching, while Ally was raiding the snacks table, and I'm – well, I can make up excuses, but honestly, I just wanted to be near Lauren. Even if she ignored me, as long as I can feel her warmth, I'm good.

So I sat beside her, and she looked up from her book. She adjusted her grey beanie, purely out of habit, and smiled at me.

"What are you reading?" I said softly, not wanting to really disrupt her reading time but still wanting to be a part of everything she does.

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