CHAPTER 11: Big Bad Wolf

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Camila's POV

Fine. I admit I was being a huge jerk, but I don't care.

I've been ignoring Lauren for like half an hour now since we have boarded the plane and she's been trying to get my attention, acting all cute (or sexy, whatever) and all I wanna do is give in and just hug her like a koala. But I won't. I'm still too annoyed at her, so no.

I buried my face in a book I randomly picked up a while ago just to find an excuse to not look at Lauren, and I have absolutely no idea what the story is even about.

I heard her sigh dejectedly, and in my peripheral vision I saw her hug Nala as she closed her eyes and put on her earphones. I hope she sleeps the entire flight and maybe choke on her own drool, I thought bitterly.

Okay, okay, I'm the world's biggest idiot, because the moment Lauren closed her eyes, I couldn't even wait five more minutes to make sure she is indeed asleep? It's like my body was going on auto-pilot and I turned my whole body so I could stare at her profile like a freaking stalker.

She's so beautiful.

Those dark eyelashes. Her thick wavy hair – always so messy which suits her "I don't give a fuck" attitude – partially covering her face. Dark hair against her pale skin – that sounds so gothic and so Lauren. What I wouldn't give just to be able to run my hand through her dark locks and just keep on caressing it as I kiss her mouth again and again.

My eyes moving downwards – from her pouty lips, to her neck, her collarbones, and oh for god's sakes Nala, get your hairy ass out of the way, you're covering my view of her --

Camila, you have no chill at all. None! Shut it with your fantasies.

She has a stupid boyfriend. Yes, you heard me right. I really mean "stupid" when I say "stupid boyfriend".

Still, I continue to watch her.

For a long time.

I'm addicted. When have I become such trash for Lauren? Oh, I know. Since the first time you laid your eyes on her, you dumb hoe. Okay, so now I'm having an entire conversation in my head with myself, this is not good.

I should get back to my reading. It's really a good story. It's about this, uhm, girl (or wait was it a boy? Well, I'm sure there's a boy and a girl somewhere in the plot)... Okay, just one more minute of staring, in case I forget how Lauren looks like. My eyes scan her face once again, taking in every little detail, each "flaw" that she mentioned she's insecured about which only makes her look flawless in my eyes.

Just when I was about to will myself to look away, because I admit I'm starting to be borderline creepy, Lauren suddenly opened her eyes as if she hasn't been asleep at all and caught me staring at her. And I just sat there frozen like a dumb ass as she looked at me questioningly.

She removed her earphones.

Then she buried her face behind Nala, which I found so incredibly adorable, by the way, and groaned loudly. "Oh my god, was I drooling? I was, wasn't I?" She asked me in a tiny voice.

Oh god, I could kiss you right now, how cute are you? Lord, please grant me the strength to keep myself from jumping her bones.. or whatever.

I couldn't help but smile at her goofiness. "No you weren't, you dweeb." At least she was really sleeping, she must be so tired though to fall asleep that quickly.

She looked up, wide green eyes looking at me just above Nala's head, melting me for sure. "I wasn't? Then why were you looking at me weirdly?"

Oh crap. What do I say to that?

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