CHAPTER 24: Got A Secret, Can You Keep It?

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Camila's PoV

I can't pinpoint exactly what's up, but I feel some sort of energy vibrating around the tiny back lounge where we were now, like an overflowing charge of excitement, and I was pretty sure it's coming from those two who were snickering and whispering together. I looked at Dinah and Normani settled on the corner, quite obvious that they're hyped up about something. They kept sneaking glances at me, then Lo-Lo, and sometimes even at Ally, who looked a bit nervous whenever she made eye contact with them. Weird.

I glanced at Lauren to see if she felt the same thing, but she seemed too busy browsing through her Tumblr feed to notice her surroundings that you could probably chop off a chunk of her always messy-in-a-perfect-way hair and she won't even realize it. Hmm, Lauren could even be bald and still be hot as the fires of hell, though I'd rather she has long hair because I just love grabbing it when she –

My thoughts were disrupted when Dinah spoke. "Hey Chanch! I forgot to tell you that Siope mentioned that his friend, totally hot, has been wanting to meet you. And he has the biggest... crush on you!"

I stared at her blankly for several seconds. "And?" Should I act excited or curious – is that how normal girls should react? But I don't care though. Boys are stupid. Besides, what do I need boys for when I have my own Lern Jergi? I couldn't keep the smile from creeping on my face as I threw Lauren another glance. God, she's so hot!

"And?! Mila, this so very cute football player wants to meet you! I could totally hook you up!" Dinah wiggled her eyebrows at me, and I saw Normani chuckle as she focused her stare on Lauren. Lauren-who-suddenly-perked-up-at-the-mere-mention-of-a-guy-wanting-to-date-me-and-is-now-eyeing-Dinah-like-she's-about-to-kill-her, yeah that Lauren.

"Cheech, I don't like going out with some random guy. He could be a creep!" It's the best dismissive statement I could come up with without being obvious that I have absolutely no interest in dating other people.

"He's not random. He's my boyfriend's teammate! I'm telling you, Chanch, he's chiseled. Like woooh, you'll forget your name if you saw him."

Before I could answer, Lauren beat me to it. "Well, if he's that hot, why don't you date him?" Her voice sounding a little too bitter for my taste. Lauren seriously needs to tone down the sass if she wanted to keep us under the radar.

Dinah gave her a dismissive shrug. "I'm quite content with Siope, thank you very much, Ralph."

"I don't know, Dinah, the way you described him he seems soooo perfect, I'm quite surprised you haven't fucked him yet. I mean, c'mon, let's fucking film the video! Let's see how hot he really is." She glared at Dinah, quite too intensely in my opinion, but I guess, all of us have gotten used to her personality that nobody gets offended anymore when she's being frosty because we know she doesn't mean to offend. Only I'm aware that this time, she's being sassy for a reason.

Dinah looked at Lauren with as much sass as Lauren was capable of, and with a pursed lips and a raised eyebrow, she playfully glared at Lauren and said dryly, "Keep it up and I just might start a petition for a Lern Jergi-flavored Pringles. Imagine all the ruined kidneys, you salty bish."

Lauren flipped Dinah off and we all laughed. It was all in good humor though because after that, Lauren seemed more chill, probably realizing that she was being too obvious. Dinah turned to face me again. "So, what do you think, Walz? Wanna do a double date?"

"Eww no!!" I think I may have reacted too quickly. "I mean, I'm not ready to date yet." I added lamely.

"Not ready to date?? Whatchu waitin' for – the second coming of Christ?! Girl, my twelve-year-old cousin already has a boyfriend, and my seven-year-old nephew has been "going steady" with his day care playmate for a week now! By today's standards, you're an old maid! Step up your game! Besides, he's the perfect gentleman so you have nothin' to worry about." Dinah urged.

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