CHAPTER 13: If They Only Knew

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Camila's POV

I didn't even have time to dwell on what happened on our flight because the minute we landed here in New York, we had to jump from one event to another. A photoshoot, a meet & greet with a small group of fans (and by small, I mean it started out small until things went crazy big), a radio show guesting, and of course, in between all of those events we had to sign autographs, do selfies with fans, and pretty much just smile and be friendly to everybody. Just another regular day for the Fifth Harmony girls. All in a day's work.

But I'm happy.

I've never been happier because wow, Lauren kissed me. We haven't talked about anything yet, obviously since we were too busy the whole day, but guess what, Lauren and I are rooming together (Dinah, Ally, and Mani got the bigger hotel room) so maybe we could clear things up later.

And she seems to be in a good mood, too. We've been pretty much inseparable all day, and I couldn't help but stare at her the whole time, just like old times, and fans seeing us together got them screaming "Camren" like psychos, I half-expected Lauren to go all incredible hulk on them and call them delusionals. But she didn't. She just smiled and acted like she didn't hear anything.

That's progress, right?

Anyway, finally we're at the hotel, but Ally reminded us that we still have to do that livestream thingie and it's better if we get it over and done with so we could rest afterwards without interruptions. So all five of us went straight to their room (since it's bigger) to set the whole thing up.

Well, Lauren and Normani did. Dinah and Ally went straight to the refrigerator, searching for food, while I stood in the middle of the room suddenly feeling annoyed when I saw Lauren and Normani giggling and whispering over something while they set up the laptop on the bed.

I frowned at them, not liking what I see, but I reminded myself that I need to control my emotions.

I absent-mindedly removed my coat and my scarf and threw it on the couch, still staring at the two giggly twins, as I sat down and got my phone out of my pocket to distract myself.

It didn't work though because I found myself sneaking glances towards the bed. God, why does it bother me so much, it's not like they haven't been this close before.

"Whatchu scowling at, Chancho?" I heard Dinah's mumbling as she chewed more food than her mouth could handle.

I didn't even look at her because I was still looking at Lauren who now has her head leaning against Normani's shoulder as she gasped for air. What the hell is so funny that they can't stop laughing?! And why does Normani have to keep touching Lauren? Well, Lauren didn't seem to mind anyway. That pisses me off real good.

"Nothing." I pouted at Dinah.

"Oh, don't be givin me the attitude, girl. Nah uh! Now move and tell Cheechee what's up!" She plopped herself down next to me, and looked at me. She offered me some chips she was eating alongside her sandwich but I shook my head.

"Is it because you don't wanna do the livestream? Look, we're all tired here, Chanch, but it'll only take like less than an hour."

"No. It's not that. Forget it, Cheech." I gave Dinah a big hug, grateful for her concern, and I saw Lauren glance at me but I immediately looked away. I tried to act like I was having fun with Dinah, and well, it's easy to do that with her. She's such a goofball and next thing I know, I'm already being pinned down as Dinah wrestled me and started tickling me.

I was laughing uncontrollably while trying to escape from her grip. My head was already hanging upside down the couch and my hair was flowing down the carpet and I was begging her to stop torturing me. I heard Lauren and Normani chuckling and half-heartedly asking Dinah to stop, but they looked too amused. Ally was the only one who made an effort to get in between us so I must really look like I was about to die for her to finally intervene.

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