CHAPTER 23: We Know

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Lauren's PoV

"Something fucking smells!" Camila's sudden outburst startled everyone who were in the lounge of our bus, and I looked up at her to see her face scrunched up in disgust. I couldn't help but giggle because she's too damn cute, but then I, too, got a whiff of a scent that smelled like rotten egg or probably a three-day-old corpse – not that I have seen or smelled a real corpse, but you get my point. It really stank up the room.

Looking around, I scanned the faces who were sitting with us and saw that most were just mildly curious at what's happening, but one stood out. Dinah Jane. A look of smug humor was evident on her face, as if farting in a room full of people is something to be proud of. I shook my head in amusement.

"Who the fuck farted?! Disgusting!" Camila was now pinching her nose so hard that she sounded like a chipmunk as she tried to figure out who the culprit was.

"Mila, you're spending way too much time with Lauren, you're becoming as much of a potty mouth as she is!" Ally frowned disapprovingly at her while munching on a cupcake. She meant it as a harmless joke, but my thoughts immediately went back to last night – we had a concert in Boston and we checked in a hotel afterwards—, when Camila was screaming and cussing like a drunken sailor while I had my tongue shoved deep inside her pussy. Man, that was hot.

Camila caught me staring at her, and my lust for her was probably evident in my face because she immediately blushed and looked away, and I knew then that she's aware what's exactly going through my mind at this very second.

That made me proud. How I can turn sweet, goofy Camila into a foul-mouthed, demon-possessed vixen in bed. I felt heat rush all over my body and to my face as dirty thoughts flooded my mind.

I snapped out of my reverie when I heard Normani clear her throat dramatically. When I looked at her, I saw her staring at me like she was scrutinizing me, reading my mind, and the way she was smirking I'm pretty sure she has seen the way I was looking at Camila. I raised my eyebrow in what I hoped to be a nonchalant expression and focused my attention back to my phone. But not before noticing that Mani shared a knowing glance with Dinah, and smiling at each other like they knew what's up.

These two are up to no good, I just know it. And while I liked to brag how I was the biggest badass in the group, everybody knew that once Dinah, together with Normani, plotted something, we should be very scared. Not even I were spared from their pranks.

Although this time, I knew it's something more than a prank. I think they already have a theory about Camila and I, they're just gathering evidences. I see it by the way they suddenly pop in whenever Camz and I were together, whether we were actually doing something naughty or not, they seemed to be always watching.

Of course, it didn't help that Camila's very touchy-feely, and seemingly unable to control her mouth during interviews or whatever that implied that we were being extra comfortable with each other, and I kept on seeing Mani and Dinah smirking and whispering to each other.

Sneaky bastards. I wouldn't let them win, though. They'd grow fairy wings and find a unicorn in our tour bus first before they find out whatever they wanted to find out. Not because I'm so scared that they'll know about our relationship –  to be honest, it won't bother me if they do figure it out – but mainly because I'm just a competitive bastard (me being into sports, and a bit of a know-it-all, y'know) and I don't ever wanna lose to anyone.

Game on, bitches.

* * *

Dinah's PoV

It's been a while now but we still haven't gotten any solid proof from Camren, aside from their usual "looks" and touches, and it's starting to annoy the hell outta me. How anyone could outwit Special Agent D-Mac, Head of the CSI (Camren Ship Investigation) Unit is beyond me, and that's totally unacceptable.

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