CHAPTER 16: Possession Obsession

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Lauren's PoV

I sensed Camila's eyes burning through my back as I was getting ready to meet with my friends in less than an hour. I don't know why she's acting so annoyed since I already told Luis that we're over and that it's better if we're back to being just buddies, and he was totally fine with it. Camila was even there to hear everything, I put the call on speakerphone, and I have explained to her that today was just a simple hanging-out with friends, nothing more.

At first she was fine with it, but now, she has been sulking for reasons I don't know. I turned around and almost gulped when I saw her eyes looking murderous, the words I was about to say melted even before I managed to blurt them out.

"So, you look hot." She shot me a withering look.

I was taken aback by her sudden change of tactics. A while ago, she's barely talking to me, and now she's complimenting me on how I look?

"Um, thanks?" I was just wearing casual clothes so I'm not sure if she was being sarcastic or not.

"Hmmm." She crossed her arms, her eyes not leaving me.

She's being weird, but I can't deal with her mood right now because Vero has been texting me all morning reminding me not to be late or she'll kick my ass. We were planning on eating at this posh restaurant and she said that we might lose our reservation if we get there even a minute late.

I was putting on my lipstick, concentrating in front of the mirror, when I heard Camila scoff.

"What now?" I mumbled.

"You're wearing red lipstick." She said as if that makes any sense. I've always had an affinity for red lipstick.

"And?" I shot her a challenging look.

She raised her eyebrow. "What's that shade again? Oh yeah, Fuck-Me-Red... Hmm, interesting. Nice color, looks good on you." She said, sarcasm dripping so thickly from her mouth, as she grabbed her phone and started scrolling as if what she just said was totally normal and not annoying at all. "Slutty." She muttered under her breath, but I heard her loud and clear.

"Excuse me?" Seriously, this girl has gone fucking crazy. "Are you slut-shaming me, for real?" I asked incredulously. I didn't know if I wanted to laugh or be annoyed.

At least she looked guilty. "Of course not, I'm sorry." She pouted.

I waited for her to continue, because I knew she will, basing from the way her mouth opened and closed like a fish, and after a few minutes she speaks up again. There you go. "It's just that why do you have to look so hot if you're just going out with friends?" She air-quoted the word 'friends'.

I rolled my eyes. "Camz, it's just lipstick. I'm not gonna go out to hook up with random strangers."

"Not random strangers." She mumbled softly but I still heard her. I knew this was totally about Luis.

"And yes, I'm going out with friends. Emphasis on the word friends. I already asked you to come with us, you said no."

"Ugh. I don't wanna vomit if I see McDoofus."

"Real mature, Camz." I gave her my famous unimpressed look. "Look, just go with us. Alexa and Vero have been asking about you so it's not like you're imposing your presence on them. I just couldn't cancel on them because they have planned this for a while, they're really excited."

I approached the bed where she was laying, and I reached for her hand to try to convince her. She seemed to be considering it and I gave her my best smile.

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