CHAPTER 18: Tonight's The Night

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Warning: Roads are slippery when wet.

Camila's POV

When we got back to the hotel, as much as I wanted to go with Lauren straight to her room, I have to at least show my face to my mom who's probably still up waiting for me. Besides, Normani has been acting too suspicious about us; we're on the same floor and it will look weird if I immediately go with my Lo-Lo without even going to my room first, so I had to pretend that I wasn't itching to follow Lauren when she got out of the elevator, my eyes content with just staring at her retreating butt in those jeans before the elevator door closed.

I gulped when I realized that Normani caught me staring at Lauren's butt. She's now looking at me as a policeman would look at a suspected criminal: like she could see through my soul and was now scanning every guilty little memories I had stored in my brain all the way to my childhood.

I took my phone out just so I could act busy.

I texted Lauren, of course after making sure that Mani wasn't peeking at my screen, saying that I'll be there in a short while. I needed to shower anyway. I told my mom that me and Lauren will be writing some music together tonight so I'll just sleep at her room, and she was okay with it.

When I knocked on Lauren's door an hour later, I got greeted by a freshly-showered green-eyed, dark-haired hottie who I super adore, and before she could even speak, I launched myself into her, kissing her and pushing her inside, closing the door with a backward kick without breaking the kiss.

Eventually, we both had to come up for air.

Lauren gazed at me with a mix of heavy desire and a slightly unfocused look, and I was sure that she's as aroused as I am. It's funny how one kiss could ignite us in a second. Well, technically, I have been aroused since this afternoon when we left the hotel to watch the concert, even the whole ride back, so there's no "re-igniting" on my part because I have been lit on fire the whole time.

Even when Matthew was obviously flirting with Lauren and she looked like a schoolgirl talking to her jock crush, I still wanted to jump her bones right then and there, backstage, with the band and my girls watching us.

I traced her jaw with little kisses, knowing how much she liked that. She moaned when my mouth found the spot behind her ear and I licked it. Her still-damp hair smelled so fresh, her scent bringing me back to those days when I used to just be content on sneakily sniffing her hair. Now, I get to do things to her that I have only used to imagine.

I felt her hands grip my waist tightly, her hips moving forward to grind against mine as I kept on kissing her neck and groping her butt.

"So... Matthew has the hots for you, huh?" I tried to keep the jealous tone in my voice hidden by whispering in her ear, in between nibbling her earlobe.

Lauren moved her head backwards to look at my face, and said in a serious tone but with a hint of a smirk at the corner of her lips. "Matthew who?" I grinned at her, and she smiled back then kissed me softly on the lips. "I love you." She murmured.

"More than The 1975?" I teased.

"They can kiss my ass." She scoffed.

I pouted. "But I want to kiss your ass. Nobody but me should be able to kiss your fine ass."

Her giggles are seriously the cutest sound I have ever heard in my entire life. Well, it's a toss between that and Jigglypuff singing.

"You're a goof, Camz."

"You love me more than Lana del Rey?" I started kissing the base of her throat while I put my hands inside the back pockets of her sweatpants, loving the way her butt felt in my palms, like God sculpted them specifically for my hands. I sucked on her throat, biting her a bit harder than usual, while I squeezed her butt cheeks, smiling devilishly when I heard her groan. I simply couldn't control myself when I'm with her.

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