CHAPTER 17: Tastes Like Pepsi Cola

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Weather forecast: Sunny with a slight chance of drizzling

Lauren's POV

Almost three months have passed since our first kiss, and we still haven't told anyone about us. Of course, we have talked about it several times, but in the end, we believe it's much simpler if no one knew yet. Yeah, despite our lame attempt to not label whatever we have, of course, we realized soon enough that we're both too jealous and territorial to not actually claim each other and make it official. Well, secretly official, that is.

Camila, at first, wasn't too thrilled to keep us a secret, she has been bugging me to agree with her that we should at least tell the girls, but several instances finally convinced her that it's better we keep our mouths shut, at least for a little while longer.

One, the management has been all up in our asses again because of our recent Twitter interactions, which leads to, two, the camren shippers have gone even more insane. I admit that we have been too friendly with each other again online despite knowing how our fans are, but sometimes we forget the restrictions that were put upon us because it just felt nice to show the world that Camila belonged to me, and I to her, even if we can't publicly call each other girlfriends. At least we could drop hints here and there, which seemed to spur on the fandom all the more.

The fans have gotten worse which I wouldn't have thought possible. Can you imagine seeing yourself crudely photoshopped alongside Camila in lewd positions or suggestive captions, day in day out, and our social medias flooded with "#Camren" even if it's just me posting a picture of a dog or some random shit? Not only is it disrespectful to us as human beings, but the thought that everybody sees that shit, especially our family and friends, is just so damn embarrassing. It didn't matter if we're really dating, people have truly gone overboard when it comes to boundaries. We are people too with real emotions and sensitivities, we're not caricatures or objects. How would you feel if you're being judged all over the net by people you haven't even met as if they know you? As if their theories & opinions are factual?

It's tiring, but we make an effort to learn how to ignore all of that. We manage. Well, Camila managed better than I do. I don't know how she could be so chill about it, when I can barely keep myself from posting angry tweets. Good thing she knew how to calm me down.

Third, was Sinu. Camila's mother is sweet and all that shit, but Jesus Christ I swear she was a hawk in her past life, or a professional shadow, if there's such a thing. Because she's goddamn everywhere, as if watching us was her goal in life!

I asked Camila if she told her about us, she said no, but the way Sinu has been tailing us convinced me that she suspected something. She probably believed the internet shit which I'm sure she's well aware of because I see her on her phone every goddamn minute, and I knew she followed all those Camren accounts on Twitter.

My parents didn't know either, but I'm pretty sure they'll be more accepting of this kind of thing, especially my dad because he's the coolest. My mother could also be a hindrance, but my gutfeel said that she'll be alright with everything, eventually. Although, I'm not so certain if she will agree with us once Camila and I decided to go public, because she has always told me that people could be so hateful and toxic that whatever we can keep personal, we should.

I think if push comes to shove, though, it's Sinu who'll need a lot of convincing and pleading because not only was she conservative as the Virgin Mary Mother of God, but she also took Camila's career so freaking seriously. Like for real, she'll do whatever it takes to protect Camila's future. I doubt she'll be throwing a party once she learned that her daughter was dating a girl.

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