Joc and Corey Fight Over You

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Your POV
It was so surreal. You won the sweepstakes to have a personal meet and greet with the team. You were on your way there now. This had to have been a dream. There's no way you could've won knowing your luck. You'd spent days trying to figure out which jersey to wear. 'Do I wear Seager or do I wear Pederson?' This was a question you had been battling for days now.

Y/B/N was supposed to go to this once in a lifetime experience with you but she bailed last minute. Then again, she was never really been a huge fan of the Los Angeles Dodgers. You thought about inviting someone else so that you wouldn't have to to drive to the stadium alone but all your other friends were busy.
As you pulled up to Dodger Stadium you could feel the nerves kick in. Your stomach dropped as soon as you got out of the car. You knew that this had to be perfect. It would probably never happen again. You had to make sure that nothing would ruin this special day.

As soon as you got passed the stadium gates two Blue Crew Members pulled you aside. "Are you Y/N?" One of the two girls asked.

"That's me!" You announce proudly.

"I'm Cassandra and that's Erica." Cassandra said.

"Can we see your ID to make sure it's you?" The other girl, Erica asked. I handed it to them. "Okay you are the contest winner. Wear this blue badge and follow us."

You took a deep breath while following them down a ton of different hallways. They are just normal guys who happen to play Major League Baseball.

Finally after going down millions of different stairs and hallways you made it to the last set of stairs which brought you back outside. "Right now the players are having their batting practice but once they swing a couple of times you'll be able to meet the team." Cassandra informs you.

They allow you to go under the blue rope that separates you from the players. A ton of other people where there but they were stuck behind the rope. "No one else is allowed to do this?" You ask confused.

"No you are the only person to win the contest remember?" Erica questions rolling her eyes at you.


After what seemed like hours some of the players finally finished their batting. Half of the Los Angeles Dodgers baseball team were standing right in front of you waiting for you to say something.

"Um...Hi?" You wave shyly. 'Don't mess up' you remind yourself.

"Wow, they really picked a pretty one this time!" Joc said loudly.

"Hi I'm Y/N." You blush out of nervousness.
"Joc shut up." Corey muttered.

"So tell us, where are you from?" Joc asked trying to make conversation.

"I'm from City/N it's like an hour from here."

"That's so cool. I've always wanted to go there." Corey smiles.

"Oh seriously shut up Corey. You don't even know where City/N is. You're not even from California. You are from North Carolina." Joc immediately interjected.

"Oh yeah like you know where that place is." Corey fights back.

Trayce walks toward us. "This is the sweepstakes winner." Joc informs him.

"Hi, I'm Y/N." You go to shake his hand but he pulls you in for a hug. A little forward aren't we?

"So out of all of us on this team, who is your favorite?" Joc asks wiggling his eyebrows.
"I don't know."

"Oh come on, everyone has a favorite. Tell us, who is yours?" Joc is trying to push an answer out of you.

Honestly if I could, I would marry all of them but that can't happen.

"Well you all have different traits that I like. But if I really would have to choose someone, it would be-"

Joc cut you off. "We all know it's me." He joked.

"Yeah Joc you know what? Your right she likes you...In your dreams." Corey argues.

"Guys back off the poor girl and let her talk. You cut her off." Clayton comes running over. He must've heard all the remarks flying between Corey and Joc.

"As I was saying. If I had to choose I would pick Seager. Sorry Joc." You look down not wanting to hear or see his reaction.

"Come on you guys. The game starts in one hour and Dave Roberts wants us all in the locker room because we need to have a team meeting." Chase Utley jogs over making everyone leave.

They each give you a hug telling you goodbye and to enjoy the game. "I know she said I'm not her favorite but she so wants me." Joc said walking away after giving you a hug.

You turn to leave them but Corey pulls you back. He fishes through his back pocket pulling out a torn piece of paper with blue ink. "Call me some time, yeah?"

You are in shock. You just got Corey Seager's number. You are left dumbfounded just standing there.

"How was your small meet and greet?" Cassandra asked.

"It was great." You smile putting the torn paper into your back pocket of your jeans.

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