Meeting His Family Pt. 2 (Corey Imagine)

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Tonight you'd be meeting more of Corey's family at his family's annual Christmas Eve party.
"Corey, your dad and I are leaving a little early to help your aunt get food ready. You and Y/N can come when your done getting ready. Just take my car." You could hear Corey's mom say. You were trying to finish straightening your hair.
You were very nervous about meeting the rest of Corey's family especially since the party wasn't being held at Jody and Jeff's house. You were definitely more comfortable at their house. You could also go to bed whenever you wanted, you wouldn't have to wait up on anyone.
"Y/N. I can feel you trembling. Don't worry, everything will be fine. If anything my family will make fun of me for finally getting a stable girlfriend." He said coming up from behind you and putting his arms around your waist while resting his chin at the top of your head.
"I guess I just don't want to make a bad first impression." You sighed.
"You'll be fine. I'll be with you the whole time." He reassured kissing your cheek.
"Y/N? Are you ready? I think we should leave. It's 6:30 and I know you probably don't want to be there too long." Corey came back into the room where you were just putting your shoes on. "Oh good your ready. Y/N you look beautiful." He said.
"Thank you Corey. You look handsome as well and yes we should probably leave. Your family will be wondering where you are." You said walking out of the bedroom door.
You both got into the car and Corey drove.
"Now I kind of don't remember how to get to my aunt's house because as kids we never went there often." He chuckled nervously.
"Call Kyle or Justin? They can give you directions." You suggested after all they do live here.
"It's okay I really don't want to bother them. I'm close to the house anyway." He said. They were probably already at the party.
Once you arrived, you could feel the butterflies kick in. Your nerves and kind of gone away but they didn't disappear.
"Corey! It's great to see you! We've missed you. Everyone always asks about you." A woman asked the door after Corey rang the doorbell. She attacked him into a hug as I stood behind him quietly.
"And who is this lovely lady behind you?" She asked.
"My girlfriend, Y/N." He smiles proudly. She whispered something in his ear making you feel uncomfortable.
Your cheeks turned red and you felt hot even though it was winter. Your first thought was that she didn't like you. You looked away from her and looked at all the other houses around you trying to distract yourself.
"Y/N? Let's go inside." Corey put his arm around your waist leading you inside. You knew that he could sense that something was wrong.
You wanted to know what his aunt had said. You never liked it when people whispered things in front of you. You'd always felt like the two people were talking about you.
"Are you okay? If you want to know what my aunt said, all she said was that you were beautiful and that I should hold on to you because she believes your a keeper." He smiled. "She wasn't making fun of you. My family isn't like that."
Your sighed of relief, you surely thought she was making fun of you.
You met more of Corey's relatives and they were all super nice. They occasionally tried to show you embarrassing pictures that they had of Corey. They also told you stories that your boyfriend definitely didn't want you to hear. Overall, it was a great night. Better than you expected.
-Christmas Day-
You woke up to with Corey's arm wrapped around your waist. He was awake and was clearly just watching you sleeping.
"We're you watching me sleep?" You laughed at him.
"Well, you looked really peaceful and I was too comfortable to get up." He smiled. "I think my parents are up. We should probably go downstairs, I have a present for you." He took his arm off of you getting out of the bed.
"Race ya!" You said getting a head start.
"Hey no fair!"
He was hot on your heals but you made it downstairs first.
"Hey! You totally cheated." He fake pouted. You laughed. He acted so childish sometimes but it was cute.
You two sat by the tree. You felt like a little kid again.
You thought about how happy Corey made you. You were so thankful to have him in your life. Seeing that big smile plastered on his face made you feel warm inside.

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