He comes to your son's T-Ball game (Corey Imagine)

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"Come on daddy! We have to go before the coach gets mad!" Your son Caleb yelled at his dad while dragging him out the door.
Corey had the day off today and Caleb had a t-ball game. Usually you were the one to support your son since Corey was always either away playing a series or playing late games at the home stadium. Being married to a baseball player was always hard because he was gone a lot. Having a child with a baseball player was even harder because they'd constantly be asking "When is Daddy coming home?"
Very rarely was Corey able to go to the t-ball games so for Caleb this was special. Of course he wanted to make his dad proud.
"Daddy, I'm glad you're going to watch me play because Mommy always goes and she's embarrassing."
"Hey!" You laugh.
"What if I become like you? A pro baseball player. That would be so cool." Caleb says with excitement.
Caleb always talks about this every time you go to a game. He really looks up to his father.
"It sure would. Another name to add to the book of Seager baseball players. Mommy and I would be very proud of you, so would grandma and grandpa."
"When grandma and grandpa come down to visit, can they come to one of my games?"
"They sure can buddy."
You arrived to the field and checked in with the coach. Of course the coach came out, he greeted Corey and told him how big of a fan he was. He sounded like a little kid, it was kind of cute actually.
It was hot out and the game was sure to last at least an hour instead of four because they were just little kids.
"Did you bring an umbrella?" Corey asks. The sun was beating on the two of you.
"No, I'm stupid, I forgot. There's a tree over there, we could sit down under it. At least then it wouldn't be so bad."
The two of you carried the chairs over the the tree and sat down waiting for Caleb to come up.
He finally was up to bat and both you and Corey yelled "Go Caleb!"
He hit the ball and got to first base.
"Y/N, Janine, Jacob's mom didn't bring the snacks and drinks for the end of the game. They're not even here. Coach said that they weren't coming. What do we do?" A team mom asked. She was freaking out. The kids will expect something like a CapriSun and some sort of snack.
"I guess I could go buy some snacks and drinks. We don't really have another option." You sigh. You didn't want to go, you were supposed to spend time with your husband watching your son play.
"I could go with you." She said. "I'll get my keys."
At least you wouldn't have to drive.
"Corey would it be alright if I got snacks for the team? One of the moms didn't show up." You ask him with pleading eyes.
"Yeah go ahead." He gave you a quick kiss before returning back to the game.
You tried your best to hurry back so that you could bag everything before the game ended.
"Isn't it kind of annoying that the coach didn't send anyone an email saying Janine and Jacob would not attend today's game? I mean come on, he knew." The mom complains when the two of you get back to the field.
"If he knew he should've told someone but I guess it slipped his mind or he didn't care."
You look at the time and notice that the game will be over in fifteen minutes.
"We need to hurry and bag everything. The game will be over in fifteen minutes." You tell her getting out of the car and going to the trunk.
"Mommy why weren't you watching the whole game?" Caleb asked.
"Because Mommy had to go get the team some snacks." Corey answered him.
"Yes, I'm sorry. I wanted to stay and watch but you know, things happen." You give him a hug.
"Mommy! I got a run while you were gone. The coach was so proud of me that he decided to give me the game ball!" He cheered.
"Caleb reminds me of myself when I was younger." Corey said all of the sudden. "I want to start going to as many games as I can. I realize that I'm kind of missing out."
"That's great. Caleb would really like that." You tell him looking back at your son who has a big smile plastered on his face.

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