Punished (Corey *smut* Imagine

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Jealous Corey was one of my favourite things. The way his intense stare would darken and brows furrow was enough to have me squirming, anticipating the punishment that I would receive this time. It's not that I was doing anything wrong, really. I just knew exactly what made Corey tick, so I used it to my advantage.
Tonight at the club for example, I had drunkenly decided to take up the offer to dance with an attractive stranger, knowing that it would provoke just the reaction that I was looking for. As soon as I had stepped onto the dance floor I could feel Corey's eyes on me, and I had to keep back my groan as I imagined the way he would look right now-jaw tensed and fists clenched, just waiting for me to make one wrong move. I had risked a glance at the bar, only to have my thoughts confirmed. It really was one of the hottest things, the way he stared me down, almost daring me to continue. I wasn't ready to give up yet though, having not pushed him far enough, so I had ignored his silent threat, choosing to turn my back to him, and get a little closer to the stranger on the dance floor.
Of course Corey had never let it get any further than that, almost instantly pulling me out of the club and into the nearest taxi. Hence why I am currently standing in Corey's living room, waiting for him to end the silent treatment that he was giving me.
I swallowed the lump in my throat as he suddenly pushed himself onto his feet and walked the length of the room towards me, all the time with the same look of anger and jealousy set in his features that he had been wearing since he dragged me out of the club. He didn't stop until he had backed me into the wall, his hands against it on either side of my head, leaning forward until his lips were against the shell of my ear.
"Did you really think you'd get away with dancing with him like that, sweetheart?"
He whispered the words, as he lightly bit on my earlobe, causing goosebumps to rise and my body to shiver. A sigh of relief escaped me at the confirmation that no real damage would come from my actions tonight, I'd wound him up just enough to get what I wanted. Instead of replying I only smirked, not giving him the satisfaction of an apology just yet.
"Do you need reminding of who you belong to y/n?"
His words came out in a growl, as his hand fisted into my hair, tugging slightly and causing my head to tip back. I opened my mouth ready to answer him, but the only sound I made was a loud gasp, as his soft lips came down onto my neck, touching the skin slightly. Then replacing them with his teeth, biting down and sucking hard enough to bring my now cursing blood to the surface, surely leaving dark bruises across my pale skin. This was Corey's way of claiming me, showing everyone else that I belonged to him, and I loved it.
I let my head fall back against the wall, giving him better access to the junction between my throat and collar, my breaths coming out in short puffs. I started to unbutton Corey's shirt, wanting to feel his skin, but his hands wrapped around my wrists, holding and restraining them above my head.
"No touching until you apologise y/n." His words were taunting, almost making me break my stubbornness. Instead, I let out a frustrated groan, much to Corey's amusement as I felt him chuckle against my skin. His hands came down to the seam of my tight dress, fisting into the material, before ripping it up and off my body, leaving me panting, half naked against the wall. I felt a loss of contact as Corey pulled away, only to remove his clothing, leaving it in a messy pile on the floor. My eyes trailed up his body, taking in the sight of his protruding v lines and muscular shoulders. I was snapped out of my gaze by Corey's low, throaty voice,
"So are you going to be a good girl and get on your knees for me?Show me how sorry you are."
It was more of a demand than a question, I sank to my knees, pulling Corey's underwear down his thighs on my way. I placed my hand around the base of his already hard cock, moving it up and down a few times before wrapping my lips around his tip. A sigh of approval was sounded and Corey gave me a few moments to relax my mouth around him before his hands fisted into my hair. I let out a breath through my nose as Corey pushed my head lower, until his tip hit the back of my throat. He let out a loud groan at the sensation, before pulling my mouth almost fully off of him. I caught my breath slightly before Corey repeated his previous actions, over and over, getting faster with each thrust into my mouth. I moaned around him, thoroughly enjoying how rough he was being with me, after all, this was why I made him jealous in the first place. After a few minutes of fucking my mouth, Corey tugged on my hair, guiding me back to standing opposite him. He was trying to catch his breath, his cheeks red and hair dishevelled, he looked incredible, and there was nothing I wanted more right now than for him to fuck me senseless. My lips were then caught in a deep, rough kiss, passion and anger being poured into every movement. Corey found his way to the front of my underwear, rubbing harshly over the lace, creating the most intense friction against my clit. I immediately broke the kiss, making an embarrassingly loud groan at the pleasure I was being given. He had me going crazy, even without skin to skin contact. His large hand slipped into the material, instantly continuing to rub circles over my most sensitive area. I was grinding down onto his rough hand, so desperate and needy for him, but I was being punished, he was going to drag this out.
"P-please daddy." My voice sounded so desperate, every word laced with lust.
"Please what, baby girl?"
"I want you to fuck me."
A smirk took over his features as he looked at me in an almost patronising way.
"You've been a naughty girl y/n, you're going to have to wait for it."
I let out an exasperated sigh. Of course he'd say no.
My frown was wiped from my face as Corey unexpectedly thrust two fingers inside me, making my back arch from the wall and multiple curse words to be sounded. His fingers instantly found my g-spot, hitting it with every deep thrust, making me cry out in pleasure each time. My legs were shaking beneath me and I was finding it hard to keep myself standing, the pleasure cursing through me making me weak. The intensity of it all was almost becoming too much, and without any warning from my body, I was thrown over the edge, almost screaming Coreys name as my head went blank, and pleasure took over me. I slumped against the wall, trying to catch my breath as I came down from my high, only to hear Corey whispering into my ear.
"Did daddy give you permission to come y/n?"
Shit. I had completely forgotten to ask . I slowly raised my head, looking at Corey before shaking it from side to side, no. Before I could comprehend what was happening, my body was being turned and pushed against the wall, leaving my back pressed against Corey naked body. I placed my hands against the wall, steadying myself as I was bent over slightly.
"I think I need to teach you a lesson, don't I y/n?"
I nodded in response, letting out a weak yes as my arousal flared, knowing exactly what I was about to endure.
"Count for me baby."
I took a deep breath as Coreys large palm came down hard across my arse, making me scream out in a mixture of pleasure and pain.
"O-one." I moaned, gritting my teeth ready for the next blow, which came down just as hard as the last, this time on the other cheek. Once again I jolted forward, releasing a loud groan, before his hand began to rub softly over the now burning flesh, soothing it slightly. He continued the pattern, a slap to each cheek, and then soothing it, until I reached ten, when I couldn't take anymore.
"No more, please." I almost begged, more because I was tired of waiting to be fucked, rather than the pain.
"Why don't you say that properly?" He growled.
"Daddy, no more please."
Instead of replying, Corey only shifted behind me, steadying himself before unexpectedly thrusting his whole length into me. A surprised scream erupted from me as he filled me completely, this position giving him the most perfect angle. His hands gripped onto my hips, digging in hard enough to leave bruises, as he pounded into me, deeper with every thrust. If I thought his fingers were intense before, it was nothing compared to this. I couldn't even form a sentence, just a word every now and then mixed in with my screams- Corey, baby, daddy...
I could hear Coreys heavy breathing and groans behind me, mixing in with the sounds of skin slapping against skin. He had never fucked me this hard before, and my legs were threatening to buckle beneath me at the sensation of him thrusting so deep into me. Just as the shaking in my legs began to increase I was quickly turned around to face Corey, met instantly by his flustered and sweating body. I almost came at the sight of him alone, lips parted and sweat beads rolling down his toned chest. His hands grabbed the backs of my thighs, urging me to jump and wrap my legs around him. I was pressed between the wall and Coreys burning body, being slowly lowered back onto his length. That was enough of the slow though, as Corey began to thrust again, just as deep and hard as before, once again turning me into a screaming mess. His eyes burnt into me as he continued to fuck me like never before, pulling on my hair and giving me the perfect mixture of pain and pleasure. This new position had me coming undone in no time, raking my fingernails down my boyfriends muscular back as my chest pressed into his. My mouth was parted slightly as my body became numb to everything but Corey, his name repeatedly leaving my lips, as he fucked me through my high.
When I had calmed enough to open my eyes, I was met with the sight of Corey, close to his own high, biting down on his bottom lip to try and prolong it. I looked into his eyes and decided to help urge him on.
"Please cum for me daddy. Please." I made myself sound like I was begging, as I knew this turned Corey on, and I was right. His eyes widened at my statement before they screwed shut, his fingers digging harder into my hips as his own hips stuttered in their movement. I watched intently as Corey's whole body tensed, his muscles looking more prominent than ever, as he released himself into me. There was nothing hotter than Corey orgasm, his deep grunts and protruding neck vein were my ultimate weakness. I rode Corey through his high, wanting to give him as much pleasure as possible.
After he had caught his breath he pulled out of me and set me back on my unsteady feet, chuckling slightly as I tried to regain my balance, choosing instead to lean into his chest for support.
"I'm sorry for dancing with that guy Corey." My voice was tired and hoarse, thoroughly fucked out.
Corey looked at me smugly,
"Yeah I thought you'd end up apologising."

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