He Asks You Out On A Date (Clayton Kershaw Imagine)

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The sun was shining and it was really hot out. You and your friend decided to go to the Playa Del Rey beach located right next to LAX.

"Hurry up Y/N we're going to be late! Your best friend yells at you.

"Y/F/N, what are you talking about? It's not like the beach is going to run away from us." You shake your head at her.

"I know but I just want to leave."

You pack a bag with sunscreen,sunglasses, an extra towel to lay on. Basically everything you knew you'd need for the beach.


Once you and your friend get there, you both set your things down and put sunscreen on. "Do you want to go in the water?" Y/F/N asks.

"Let me work on my tan a little bit."

"Really Y/N? You have a tan." She sighs pulling out a book to read because you two won't be going in the water for at least an hour.
"I don't have a great tan."

Your friend rolls her eyes laughing at you. "Whatever."

You can hear the sound of the waves roaring and crashing against the rocks. It is finally peaceful even though there are other kids trying to build sandcastles. You could almost fall asleep.

"Hey! Y/N! No falling asleep. I didn't come here to have you still sleeping. You've done enough sleeping." Your friend says shaking you to wake you up.


An hour had passed by and you could tell Y/F/N was getting impatient. She stopped reading her book after 15 minutes. You were getting tired of laying there as well.

"Would you like to go into the water? I can tell you are getting bored and I'm tired of sitting here." You ask starting to stand up.
"I thought you'd never ask." She jumps up running down to the water.

"Eager aren't we?" You laugh walking down to the water.

You stand there close to shore letting the ice cold water touch your feet. Y/F/N on the other hand was in the water up to her thighs.

"Get over here Y/N!" She motions for you to stand next to her.

"No I think I'm good. I don't like the water too much plus sand gets in places where it shouldn't be."

"Please? Come on. You're such a party pooper." She whines.
"Fine." You sigh going deeper into the water. "But if I die, it's on you."

Suddenly you're pushed into the water making you drink a mouth full of salt water.

"Y/N? Are you okay? I promise you that wasn't me." She helps you up.

"I'm so sorry I didn't mean to push you. My friend Joc over here pushed me which caused me to push you." He apologized.

"It's fine don't worry about it. I'm fine."

"I'll go get you your towel." Y/F/N said. She knew you too well. After this you wouldn't want to go back into the water.

"Alright. Hey do you think I could have your number? Maybe we could go out on a date sometime. You know to make it up to you since I pushed you." He asked with pleading eyes.

"Yeah sure. Let me get my phone." You walk back up to the spot where your towel and everything is. Running in the sand wasn't going to happen because falling on your face would be embarrassing.

"Can I have my phone?" You ask Y/F/N who is holding you bag.
"Yeah why?"

"That guy down there asked me for my phone number." You point back to where you were just standing a second ago.

"But wait isn't that Clayton Kershaw?" She asks. You two were fans of the Dodgers.
"I didn't notice it before but he does look a lot like Clayton. He could be Clayton's doppelgänger." I laugh.

You run back down to the place where you left him standing minutes ago. More like walking because who can run in the sand?

"Sorry I took long I couldn't find my phone."
"I'm going to text myself is that okay?" He asks.
"That's fine."

"Okay I'll text you to see when we can go on that date. By the way my name is Clayton." He winks.

So that is Clayton Kershaw. Wow.

"Alright cool. I'm Y/N." You smile at him.

Walking back up to the spot where Y/F/N is supposed to be you find that she is all packed up.
"I figured you'd want to leave." She says.

"Okay we can leave but guess what! That was Clayton Kershaw. Well he didn't tell me his last name but he said his name was Clayton." You say the last part quieter.

"Ah! Your going on a date with Kershaw." She sang.

Getting pushed into the water payed off after all.

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