Are You and Daddy Getting a Divorce? (Joc Imagine)

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You were putting your children to sleep. Your daughter didn't understand that her dad wasn't able to always tuck her in. As for your son, he never gave you a hard time:
"I want daddy to tuck me in." She cried. This had happened every night for the past week. It was like a broken record playing on repeat.
"Jasmine sweetie, you dad isn't home yet and it's already passed your bedtime, you have school tomorrow." You sigh. Yes, you'd let her stay up twenty minutes past her bedtime in hopes that Joc would've come home.
"Well can you at least read me a story like daddy does?" She asks. She hands you the one on her nightstand which happened to be 'Where the Wild Things Are'.
Half way through the book, Jasmine was asleep.
You heard the front door open and shut quietly.
"Joc? Where were you?" You ask from the top of the stairs.
"I went to Kikè's house after the game. He invited the whole team." Joc says.
"You could've told me at least! Jasmine wanted you to tuck her in. She was waiting for you to read her a bedtime story. She started crying when I told her that you wouldn't be home for a while." You pause. "Can I ask you something?"
"How many times this week have you been home to eat dinner with us?" You ask him.
"Uh none but-"
"Never mind the dinner part I understand that. Let me ask you this, how many times have you been home to tuck your kids in this month?" You ask correcting the dinner part because of course he wouldn't be home for dinner, it's too soon.
"I've been home probably six times..." He says slowly.
"Yeah and I've always been there the other twenty-five times! You don't know how long it takes to get Jasmine to stop crying, today was easier but usually it takes an hour before she falls asleep!" You started to raise your voice. It was kind of a stupid thing to fight over but you were tired.
"You know it's not my fault." Joc says defensively.
"Yeah but you didn't have to go to Kikè house. You made that choice. Robert didn't tell you that you needed to be there did he?"
"So now I'm not allowed to have fun? We should've never had kids then!" Joc yelled.
"Don't go there! All I meant was that you could get home a little earlier so that Jesse and Jasmine could at least see there dad!"
"Mommy? Why are you and Daddy yelling at each other? Are you guys getting a divorce? Jesse told me that you were getting a divorce." Jasmine came downstairs crying.
"No, everything is fine. We're not getting a divorce. Let's get you back to bed, you have school tomorrow." You kiss her cheek carrying her back upstairs.
"I want daddy this time!" She whined. You sighed. "Please Jasmine, stop."
"I'm right here princess and I promise I will start coming home sooner." He gives you a hug. "But I don't like arguing."
"I don't like arguing either but sometimes it's the only way to tell each other how we feel." You sigh.
Your daughter was fast asleep within minutes after Joc tucked her in.
"How'd you do that? It takes me thirty minutes to get her to go to bed." You laugh.
"Magic." He says before kissing you passionately and leading you to your room.

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