Adult Entertainer (Corey *smut* Imagine)

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He couldn't help but stare, you had him in a trance—the way you moved so gracefully on the stage and how fluidly you executed each movement; it was all so stunning. He wasn't gawking at you like all the other males in the packed bar, his gaze wasn't locked on your cleavage or ass, he was genuinely attracted to you.
"There you are!" Joc calls out, jogging up to him. "We were wondering where the birthday boy ran off to." He barely glances at Joc, giving him a quick nod without taking his eyes off of you. "Corey?"
"Hmm?" He hums.
"Are you even listening?" Joc questions, a smug look on his face.
"Of course."
"What did I just say?"
"Uh, you asked if I wanted a drink." Corey mumbles, snapping out of his trance.
"Hm, no," His eyes dart around the packed bar, leaving Corey slightly frazzled. "Okay, who is it? Is it the bleach blonde, red dress, the girl in the too high heels?"
"What on earth are you talking about?"
"Corey Seager does not go off to la la land on a regular basis. Who are you staring at?" Joc continues to scope out the few females in the room, his eyes freezing when they land on you. "Or is it the cutie on the stage?" He pesters, staring up at Corey a look of amusement on his face.
"What? No, just drop it, Joc." His words may say one thing, but his flaming red face says another, and at this point Corey's cheeks matched the bright red colour of your lingerie.
"Is our little Corey crushing on the stripper?" Joc pesters in a mocking tone.
"Shut up." He mutters, his gaze falling to the floor.
"What's going on here guys?" Trayce says, approaching the two men.
"Corey has a crush on the stripper." Joc teases, urging a smirk from Trayce.
"Don't listen to him" Corey tries to speak, his voice cracking halfway.
"It's okay, man. She is rather hot." Trayce replies.
"Oh, fuck off." Corey states, slapping his teammate's bicep.
The night progresses slowly and no matter how many drinks he downs, the thought of you just doesn't seem to leave his mind. You're long gone by now, probably halfway home at this point—some not nearly as grabbing performer taking your place. The brunette dancing on the stage didn't have half of the grace as you.
A few drinks can do things to a guy's bladder so as per usual, he found himself wandering around the club for a bathroom that didn't come with a moaning couple. Security directs him to a bathroom on the upper level and he almost rams into a girl on the way up, his strong arms reaching out to stabilize the falling stranger, almost on instinct. "I'm so sorry!" He squeaks out, his eyes moving up to meet yours. He almost couldn't believe it, who would've thought that he would run into you of all people?
"It's no big deal," She smiles, her white smile almost shining under the bright neon lights. "It was an offense on both parties anyway."
He can't seem to find any words to say—his mouth was as dry as the Sahara and the air seemed to have been sucked out of his lungs, you left him absolutely breathless. "Uh, didn't I see you down in the club?"
"I was there, yeah. I didn't think you noticed me." He sighs gently, thankful to finally have forced words out of his mouth.
"How could I not notice you? You had such a beautiful smile, it's so contagious. Not to mention you are one of the most attractive people here tonight."
He could feel his heart beating rapidly against his chest, he wasn't sure if he was intoxicated and imagining the entire thing or you were actually talking to him. It all seemed so unreal. It's not like he wasn't used to girls calling him cute and shamelessly flirting with him. Although most girls didn't want him to run into his room and write a three page entry in his non-existent diary. You had him wrapped around your finger.
"Thank you but I think you take the prize for prettiest in the club." He tries to wink; his nerves making it look more like an eye spasm.
"Are you trying to flirt with me?" She smirks, cocking her head to the side, obviously amused.
"Emphasis on trying." He chuckles, running his hand through his hair.
"Don't worry, you're doing way better than the half-drunk douche bags who throw themselves at me, you seem nice. You wanna go get a drink?" She asks, gesturing to the door with the large 'Backstage' sign. He nods his head feverishly, responding rather quickly to her question, his cheeks flaring up in the process. "Follow me."
She leads him through the empty green room, pushing open a door labeled 'Y/N'. Y/N. She had a beautiful name; it made his heart flutter just thinking about it.
It was at this point when he realized how strange his feelings for this girl were; who actually falls in love with a stripper not for her body but for her smile, her laugh. This entire crush is definitely far-fetched, but you seemed to take an interest in him and was planning not to give up on you so easily.
"So, uh, you're a stripper I'm guessing?" Corey mumbles awkwardly and he finds her giggling that infectious laugh of her once again.
"I prefer the term adult entertainer." She replies, wearing a grin that stretched from one ear to the end.
"Maybe we should both leave the jokes to the professionals," Corey suggests and she nods in agreement. "Do you mind me asking why you decided to become a stripper?"
She sighs, pulling her knees to her chest. "It's kind of a long story."
"I got time."
She inhales deeply before words start spilling from her mouth. After awhile she finished talking and I instantly felt bad.
"You going to leave now?" She whispers, the confident facade she was wearing the entire night seemed to crumble down in a matter of minutes.
"Leave? Why would I leave?"
"Maybe because I'm not the confident, perfect, sexy stripper everyone makes me out to be? I'm not even kidding when I tell you that the last time I spilled my heart out to a boy he bolted out of there faster than a druggie on locker inspections day."
"He's an idiot. He's missing out on your melodious laugh and your sense of humour and your effortless grace and flawless beauty and witty banter; he's missing out big time. You're an amazing person and unless you want me to, I'm not going anywhere."
"I don't know if I should blush or smack you for being so cheesy but thanks, Corey."
"There goes that sense of humour."
"Most people simply think of me as that 'lowlife stripper' who can't get a job so melodious laugh, that's a new one."
"What can I say? You bring out the Shakespeare in me."
"Okay, the romantic lines are nice and all but if I hear one more I will smack you." He raises his arms up in defense.
"You're truly something else, Y/N."
"I'm taking that as a compliment."
"It was meant to be."
A silence falls around us and I can't help the thoughts that begin to fill my head. Even at twenty one, I can't seem to control my hormones. She looks so sexy just sitting there; her legs are crossed and her hair is gently cascading down her shoulders, she looks so perfect and it's driving me insane! The way she wraps her lips around the tip of the bottle and how tightly she is grasping the glass isn't helping my situation. I desperately try to replace all sexual thoughts with dying puppies but nothing seems to work at this point.
"You okay, Corey?" She eyes me up and down, her eyes falling on the pillow I placed in front of my crotch to hide my growing problem. I nod nervously, my Adam's apple bobbing up and down. Her beer bottle comes in contact with the side table, and she slowly rises from her seat, making her way towards me.
In one swift movement she throws my pillow onto the ground and swings her leg across my lap, straddling me. She begins to move in circles on my growing bulge and I can't help but let out a weak moan. "You can't hide from me, baby. I've worked in this business long enough to know when a man has something to hide." She growls into my neck, peppering my collarbone with soft, open mouthed kisses.
"D-do you always hook up with random guys?"
"Hmmm?" She replies.
I push her away gently. "Do you always hook up with random guys?" I repeat, a firmness in my voice that I wasn't sure I could muster.
"I have a philosophy to not hook up with anyone who enters this bar; you're the first and only exception." I nod at her, giving her word to continue, pleased with her answer.
She reattaches her soft, slightly swollen lips to my neck, nipping softly on my tender skin. I was positive that evidence from this moment would taint my flesh for days. I wanted her to stain my skin; I wanted her to brand me with her mark. I have never been this desperate for someone in years.
She slowly begins to move her hips in circles against me, leaving me groaning with my head tilt back and eyes shut. "You like this, baby?" She purrs into the crook of my neck. All I can do is nod, never have I met a girl who can make me this tongue tied more than once. "You can touch me, Corey, don't be shy." She whispers, gesturing to my arms which were strewn about my sides just itching to touch her. She didn't need to repeat her words; my large hands immediately reach out to cup her bum, pulling her in closer to me. She lifts her head from my neck and stares at my lips briefly before enveloping my lips with hers. Her tongue finds its way into my mouth and she gently sucks on my tongue and I moan at the new sensation. "You're so fucking hot." I growl against her lips, feeling her smirk.
She pulls away from me, leaving me flush against the loveseat. She pulls her tight, V-neck over her head, tossing it somewhere in the room. She was still in the same lingerie from earlier and I couldn't wait to take it off. My shirt soon follows the same path as hers and she re situates herself on my lap, grinding into me. "I ne-need more, Y/N, please. You're killing me." I practically beg.
"As you wish, Daddy." She smirks and I feel my eyes go wide. If I wasn't already turned on to the max, that would have driven me to the edge.
Her delicate hands fumble with the zipper of my jeans, yanking the tight material down my thighs and tossing them onto the floor. She eyes my erection, licking her lips as she does so. "So big, daddy." She mutters, palming me softly through my boxers. "Fuck, babe. Stop with the damn teasing."
"Sorry, daddy." She replies, staring up at me with innocent eyes. I swear to god if she kept this up I would cum in my pants in no time.
She slips her fingers under the waistband of my boxers, slowly pulling down the material. The cool air against me makes me hiss and I can see her biting her lip at the sight of me. She lowers herself onto her knees and stares at me through her lashes. "Are you ready?" I nod feverishly.
She licks up my shaft, running her tongue against my length. I eye her clothed lower half and bra-clad torso. "Those have to go." I reach out to undress her but she swats my hands away. "Leave it to me baby."
She takes a few steps away from me and twirls around slowly; she loops her fingers in the belt hoops of her jeans, pulling them down at an agonizingly slow pace as she shakes her hips. She shimmy's out of her jeans, her red lingerie piece now fully visible. "Damn." I mutter, taking in the scene in front of me. She sits back down on my lap, grinding her pantie clad core against my glistening length. "Babe." I groan. She sighs softly and rids herself of her undergarments, exposing her fully to me.
She wastes no time and lowers herself onto me. Her head falls backwards as I fill her completely, she moans softly. "Oh fuck, Corey. You feel so fucking good. Your thick cock fills me so perfectly."
Eventually, she begins to move her hips and lifts herself up and down my cock. The room was filled with loud moans and the sound of slapping skin; I was so close and I could tell she wasn't too far. Her walls clenched around me as she rode out her high, her own orgasm triggering mine. Our juices mix together inside of her tight core, the liquids dripping down her thighs in the process. She lifts off of me only to collapse in my arms. "You okay, princess?"
"It's been a while, Corey. I'm fine." I press a kiss to the crown of her head.
"Go to sleep, Y/N, I'm not going anywhere."
"There is no way you are getting rid of me so easily; it's nice to know we're on the same page." She smiles up at me and I can feel my heart pounding again, not from the sex or the adrenaline but from her smile. The effect she has on me is unreal.

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