Chapter 47: Don't do anything stupid!

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Gracie POV

I wake up wrapped in Liam's arms, I don't want him to leave me,.I don't want the boys to leave me, I don't want Macie to leave me, why do they have to leave "UG!" I say out loud but luckily I don't wake Liam up

Just then I hear a knock on the door, I check the time and it's 7:30 am and I have a few unread messages, I slowly slip out of Liam's arms and go to the door but I notice Nicole isn't in her room, I'll have to text her in a minute, I open it and Macie is standing there crying "Can-can I come in?"She asks "Oh my gosh of course! Are you okay?!" I say and pull her inside and we go sit on the couch "Well last night...Niall was-" But she starts crying again and I pull her in for a hug and she cries on my shoulder "Shhh, its okay" I say "No! It's not! Last night Marrisa and the boys went to a club and I stayed home and later I saw tons of pictures on Twitter and like the boys were standing with girls and stuff even Niall and I'm like oh it's fine their just fans but then...there was this one where Niall and this girl were kissing! On the lips and he had his hands on her shoulders!" She yells and starts crying again "He didn't!" I say and she nods "I've tried calling you and texting you but you wouldn't answer so I just came over" She says "Oh I swear Niall's gonna get it..." I say clutching my fists together "Whoa there tiger *sniff* it might have just been a misunderstanding like she put herself on him but...he's freaking famous this could happen more than once, and what if he ends up liking another girl more than me, he could have any other girl in the world and he chose me!? He could drop me like a hot potato if he wanted to!" She says "Boo...He would never do that" I say and rub her arm "How do you know that! How would anyone know that?!" She yells "Mac you need to calm down! C'mon" I say standing up "Where are we going?" She asks and wipes a few tears "To get your mind off things, your leaving me for another month this afternoon we need to have fun!" I say and grab her hand and literally pry her off the couch and call Nicole real quick

"Hello?" She asks sounding like she just woke up "Where are you?" I ask "Oh me and Lane were watching a movie and we um...fell asleep..." She says and I laugh a little hard "Shut up it ain't funny!" She says "Well I'm taking Macie out to do stuff cause she thinks Niall may be cheating on her, ugly butt he better not be" I say "What?!" Nicole yells "I know right! I gotta go, I'll see you later!" I say "Bye" She says and hangs up

"Let me go say bye to Liam" I tell Macie and run into my room and Liam is still laying in bed asleep "Aww Lili!" I whisper and go sit on the edge of the bed and lean down to give him a quick kiss but he grabs my arm and pulls me on the bed and pulls me up to him and I giggle "Liam babe, I'm about to leave" "Where are you going?" He asks groggily "I'm taking Macie out, she thinks Niall cheated on her" I sigh "I doubt he did that" He says "He better not have, but I gotta go" I say and get up "Well maybe you should get into real clothes" he says and laughs and I look down and I'm wearing a big baggy shirt and shorts that I slept in "Yeah be right back!" I say and run into my closet and throw on a tee shirt and jeans with my converse and a jacket and run back out while putting my hair in a messy bun and quickly put on mascara "You look lovely" Liam says half asleep "Thanks babe, bye" I say and leave my room and grab Macie's hand "C'mon I'm ready now" I say and we go out to my truck and head off

"Wait where are we going?" Macie asks "Crap I don't know" I say "Well there's food!" Macie says "Yes, food is always good!" I say and we pull into this little diner after a while of driving and we walk in there

"Hello my names Karla may I take your order?" Says a very pretty waitress with short blond curly hair with really pretty hazel eyes "Ummm I'll have french toast, hash browns, and apple juice!" I say and Karla laughs "Alrightie then!" She exclaims "How bout you ma'am?" She asks Macie "I'll have...a cheeseburger, fries and a coke!" She says " do know it's almost eight in the morning right?" Karla says "Yeah...I don't do breakfast foods" Macie says "Okay I'll be back with your drinks!" She says and walks off and we notice a girl that walks in and her hair is dipdyed at the ends

"I really wanna do that! But like a turquoise color!" I say "Oh that'd be so cool!" Macie says "I'm going to do that! I'm going to get turquoise hair color and dipdye my hair!" I say "You sure?" She asks "Yes!" I say and Karla brings back our drinks "Here y'all go!" She says handing us our drinks "Thank you!" We both say and she smiles and walks off

We talk about Niall until she brings back our food and we scarf it down

We leave Karla a big tip because she was so sweet and friendly "Aww thank you guys! Come again!" She says as we leave "We will bye! Nice meeting you!" Macie says and we head back out to my truck

"Where do you wanna go?" I ask her "GO KARTS!" She screams


"GO KARTS!" I scream "OH YEAH!" She screams back and starts the car and we look for a go cart place

After awhile we finally find one and we walked inside and did a bunch of crap before we actually got out to the carts

We decide to do the really big one cause it's much more fun!!!!

"Do you want to ride a two person cart or separately?" I ask "Separately so I can cream you!" She says "Oh it's on!" I say and we both run to the carts and each get in one and the man helps us get ready

"THREE! TWO! ONE!" He screams and we take off and I pass her first thing "NO!" She screams and gets closer to me

Don't pass me


She passed me

She turns around and does the loser sign to me and I floor it getting right up beside her

Just then I can feel my phone in my pocket beeping

And beeping

And beeping


Finally I hear my ringtone go off, someone's calling me!

I don't care I'm not gonna check or I could crash

AND LOSE!!!!!!!!

We're driving up a windy hill and I'm just about to pass Gracie "C'MON!" I scream and I finally pass her and turn around and stick my tongue out at her and she glares at me

The finish line is right up ahead!!!!!!

"I WIN!" I scream when I cross the finish line "Ha, ha" Macie laughs sarcastically "Somebody's a sore loser!" I say and check my phone finally

16 unread messages and 2 voicemails

All of them from Niall


They all say he wants to talk to me


"Gracie, Niall really wants to talk to me" I say "Oh I'm going to talk to him too!" She says and pounds her fist into her other hand and I laugh and we go to her truck and get on the highway

"Where is he?" She asks "He said he was with Liam, he is probably at your place" I say "Okay" She says and before long we get to her apartment

"Let's go" She says and stomps out of the car and I follow her "Don't do anything stupid!" I yell at her as she runs inside

I get inside and she's standing right in front of Niall pointing her finger on his chest

"What the heck do you think you were doing Niall!? Walzting into a club and kissin another girl!? Oh honey I don't think so!" She screams and I run in between them and push Gracie back "It's okay Gracie I got this, Liam come get Gracie!" I say "Oh no I got this!" She says walking up to Niall again but Liam runs up behind her and grabs her by the waist and flings her over his shoulder and she pounds her fists on his back "We're just gonna go...somewhere" Liam says walking into another room

"Niall I-" But I'm cut off by his lips meeting mine and he places his hands on my waist "I did not kiss that girl, I swear she walked up to me and we were talking but she randomly kissed me, I tried pushing her off I swear Macie please believe me!" He says "Okay...I believe you" I say "Macie I swear I-wait you believe me?" He says "Yes, should there be a reason for me not to believe you?" I ask "No it's just your so hard headed I thought it'd take some convincing to make you trust me" He says and puts his hands on my torso "No babe, I trust you" I say and give him a quick kiss "Liam! You can bring Gracie back now!" I say and Liam walks in with his arm firmly around Gracie's shoulder "Is he good?!" Gracie asks "Yes it was stupid the girl kissed him" I say and Liam lets go of her "I always trusted you Nialler!" She says and gives him a big hug and we all just laugh cause I minute ago we all thought she was going to kill him


Is you okay?! Is you?! Good cause I wanted to know!!!

BAHAHA!!! I sound like glozell!!!!

If you haven't watched glozells videos you need to they're hilarious!!!!!

I hope you guys liked this chapter!!!!


Please comment guys!!!!! I'll beg!!!!! jk I ain't that pathetic!!!!;)

Love you guys and g'night!!!!!!!

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