Chapter 34: Attack of the paparazzi!

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Heyyy guys!!

I can't tell you guys how much I love you!!!!

Thank you so much!!!!!



Macie POV

"Babe?" Niall asks me grabbing my hand as we leave the tour bus "Hmm?" I say "Do you love me?" He asks and I stop walking and let everyone pass us to the cars "Niall, of course I love you I've told you before" I say setting my hands on his neck "I know but I just wasn't sure if you only said it cause I said it or what" He says and I kiss him

He kisses back very passionately

"I love you so much" I whisper "I love you too" He says and I hear a fake cough like someone trying to get our attention so me and turn around and Gracie is standing right there "I thought you guys all went outside?" Niall says "Yeahhh but Liam said you guys were probably being all 'Lovey dovey' so I was sent to get you" She says and Niall and I laugh and walk out with her

"So what were they doing Gracie?!" Louis asks as me and her get in a car with Louis and Liam "Kissin'" She says "And talking!" Niall adds and I shove her a little "I walked in on kissing!" She says throwing her hands up in the air

We are about 5 minutes from nandos and all of a sudden someone's stomach growls so loud it sounds like an elephant. Everyone is laughing and I look at Gracie who is clutching her stomach "Shut up I'm hungry!" she pouts

We finally get to Nandos and now I'm hungry! Everyone gets out of the car and the paparazzi are EVERYWHERE! Liam and Louis were in the front and Louis ran right through the paps but I don't know where Liam went, I couldn't see well and was walking like a new born deer but Niall slips an arm around my waist and guides me inside

When me and Niall get inside all of the boys and Marrisa are already in here "Where's Gracie?" Liam asks and I look around and realize she isn't in here "I thought she went with you!" Niall says and everyone runs to the door and windows but doesn't leave just looks outside to see if we can see her

"Look! I see the top of her head!" Zayn shouts and everyone crowds around where he is and we see her face, she looks pretty scared and she has tons of microphones in her face, she's trying to push through but there is a lot of paparazzi!!! Gosh don't they have anything better to do?!


"Liam go get her!" I say and shove Liam out of the door real quick and then slam it shut then everyone's eyes are back outside Liam is literally pushing through them

He finally gets to Gracie and she jumps in his arms literally and wraps her legs around him she's holding on tight and sticking her tongue out at the paparazzi while Liam is running through

You'd think he'd fall considering he's carrying Gracie and running through a crowd of annoying people, flashing cameras, and big fat microphones

He gets to the door and sets Gracie down and Zayn and Harry open it and grab them and pull them in

Gracie looks like she just died or something

"You didn't answer any of their questions did you?" Niall asks and she looks at the floor and nods "What were they?" Louis asks "Well I don't know I just said 'No! Yes! Ug I don't know please let me eat!' So yeah that's what I said" She says "Well I hope they didn't take that as a bad No or a bad Yes" Louis says "But the pictures will probably be funny!" Liam says and kisses Gracie on the cheek and she blushes "Sorry I was scared!" She says and everyone laughs and we go sit down at a really big booth but we still have to squeeze in


Every one is enjoying their food and talking but me, I'm just eating cause I'm starving and still sorta traumatized from my incident with the paparazzi!!!

Before I know it we are all done and decide to part ways and head back to Macie's house

Me and Liam in the front and Niall and Macie are in the back we have the radio on but I can still hear them whisper and Niall is playing with her ring that says Nacie "I love you" He whispers "I love you too" She whispers

I pull out my phone and pull up the camera just as Niall kisses her on the nose! Yes it's a perfect picture!!! But they heard the click and glare at me but let it go

I get on Twitter and post it saying 'What sweet little lovey doveys!!!!! Aren't they just too cute?!' And I tag them both in the photo

They're phones ding telling them I tagged them in a picture and they both look at the picture, I expect glares but they just smile at me and kiss eachother

We end up home and it's a little late in the afternoon and Pete texts me

'How was the tour bus?'

'It was great! You should've came!'

'Well Luke got my sick so I was taking care of him'

'Oh really Harry didn't tell me that?'

'Yeah he probably didn't care! Haha'

Just then I get a call

"Hello?" I say cause I forgot to check caller id "Hey the guys said something happened with you and the paps but I wanted you to tell me what all went down!" Pete says so I say "Ok but it could take a while!" I say and start from once we pulled into the restaurant and tell her the whole story

"Wow that's insane!" She says but she is laughing extremely hard

We talk for a while longer until I hear Macie yelling at me

"What?" I say still on the phone with Pete "Were gonna watch a movie! Macie says patting the seat in between her and Liam and I nod

"I'll see ya later Pete were gonna watch a movie!" I say "Ok have fun bye!" she says and I hang up and slip my phone in my pocket and sit in between Liam and Macie and 'Red Dawn' just started

So me and Macie are both crying when Thor dies, don't judge me for calling him Thor, calling him Jed(which is his name in Red Dawn) just doesn't seem right after watching Thor

The movie is finally over but it still isn't late enough to go to bed so we all just stay up and watch tv

Now it's 10 pm so I decide I can go to bed "Night every one" I say just as Macie is getting up too "Haha I'm going to bed too" She says and we walk off down the hall and Niall runs down the hall and scoops her up bridal style and kisses her on the cheek and then me on the cheek "Night Gracie!" They both say and he carries her into their room and I go in mine and get dressed and wash my face and brush my teeth, while I'm doing this Liam comes in just in boxers and I cover my eyes "LIAM! Pants!" I scream "I'm coming in here to get them love!" He says and picks some shorts up off the floor and slips them on "Why can't you just get CLEAN one's!" I say punching him in the gut and he just laughs and gets into the bed

Can't he just let me sleep alone for once? It's not like were married

"Baby you comin?" He says patting the spot next to him and I groan and get in but lay right at the end of the bed away from him but he slides his hand on my waist and pulls me close to him, he always does this, "Liam it's hot" I say lying cause I am always cold when I go to bed unless it's summer "Don't lie you have goosebumps" He says rubbing my arms warming them up

"Gracie?" He says 10 minutes later but he's half asleep "I-I" But he stops and I turn around to face him and he's asleep "Dangit" I say a little loud hoping to wake him up but it doesn't work

I'll ask in the morning


I hope you guys enjoyed it!!!!

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