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Here I am. Alive. Living the life millions of girls can only dream to have. A life that was never even apart of my dreams, because sleep, to me, used to mean nightmares and waking up to terrible news or an abusive father and a sick mother.

And there's Liam. My husband. My husband. The one, with help of four boys, rescued me from a life I hated, and didn't see worth living. He took my heart and we ran off with it. Our love grew so strong it grew enough love for another. A child.

There's my baby. My baby girl, Evelyn. Running around without a care in the world. Cute little squeals come from her mouth as her daddy chases her around the living room.

A loud beep from the kitchen gets my attention. I run in there, grab a cooking glove, and pull the chicken and rice out of the oven. As soon as I set it onto the oven top two snake like hands make their way around my waist, and soft lips kiss right under my ear.

"Well," I giggle softly. "Hello Mr. Payne."

"Hello Mrs. Payne." He smiles and arranges his body to kiss the top of my head. His hands grab onto mine and he links them together. I smile at our intertwined hands, then at him.

"Oh!" I cry out when he spins me around and before I can register his overly grown hair and stubble, his hands firmly grip the sides of my face and his lips charge at mine.

I clutch his shirt and we trip over our own feet, he starts to walk backwards and I put one of my hands onto the counter to steady us.

He pulls away but our faces are so close that our lips brush against each other, making me want to lean in until a little girl scream booms through the house.

Liam and I rush into the living room to see her pointing at her fish tank. "What happened?" Liam and I ask in sync. As soon as we do, however, she literally bursts into tears.

"F-f-f-fishy dead!!!" She screams through tears still pointing at the tank. We run over and Liam grabs onto Evelyn while I look into the tank. What I see is two fish rolled over into their backs, their stomachs peeking over the surface of the water.

"Evie, honey, they're only sleeping. It's fine," I say leaning down to her level then standing up and I pull Liam closer to me. "Go to the pet store and get two gold fish. I'll give her a bath, be back by then!" I whisper and he grabs the keys, leaving in a hurry so Evelyn doesn't have a fit.

"Let's get a bath baby." I smile and pick her up, carrying her to the tub.

"I'm home." Liam says as he walks into the bathroom, right as I get Evelyn out of the tub.

"Here," I rap her in a towel and hand her to Liam. I take the two bags of fish and run into the living room, scooping out the dead fish and putting in the new ones. When I do, however, they're not moving. "LIAM!"

"What is it?!" He says running into the living room, carrying our little girl on his hip while he tries to put her into her nightgown.

"What did you do to the fish!"

"Well, I put them in the passenger seat and--"

"Oh gosh, did they flop everywhere?!"

"Yeah..." He says setting Evelyn down as he finally slips on her nightgown

"Oh no, you killed the fish!" I immediately cover my mouth and my daughter cocks her head to the side and walks over to the table, standing on her tip toes to peak into the fish tank. Liam gives me the "way to go" look. I ignore him.

"Fishy is dead?" She asks and we nod sadly. "But... I loved the fishies!" She screams and starts to cry, not softly at that.

"Baby, why don't you come lay down with mommy and daddy, yeah?" Liam asks and she plops her thumb into her mouth and nods, lifting her arm up for Liam to take her hand and we walk to our room.

One Direction Saved Me  {Liam Payne}Where stories live. Discover now