Chapter 56: "How sweet!"

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Okay so chapter 56...wowza...So I still don't know whether I'm quiting on 65 or 70 what do you guys think? I think I'll wait til chapter 60 to decide but until then enjoy my book you guys!!!(;

Gracie pov

"DON'T TOUCH HER!" I scream running faster to Rose a man that looks around 30 runs up to where Rose and the older man grabbing her is "Hey back off!" He says and shoves the older man and he nearly falls but regains his balance "What's you're problem?!" I scream as I reach them and the older man starts to run but when I start to run after him someone grabs my arm and I turn around and its the younger guy who saved Rose "Thank you" I say and hug him even though I just met him

I let go of him and look at Rose who is full out bawling and she jumps into my arms, she wraps her legs around my waist and buries her head in my neck and I wrap my arms around her "Rose it's okay, shhh he's gone now you're safe" I say and she continues crying "Thank you SO much!" I tell the stranger "No problem, I'm Hunter" He says "Gracie, so why did you help Rose?" I ask "That man's been here before, he tries to take little girls but he never succeeds at it so by the time you call the police he's gone and he didn't do anything so nothing they can do" He says and I sigh "He needs to get hit by a freaking a bus" I growl "A really big bus" Rose says and I set her down and get on my knees in front of her and Hunter does too

"Rose, what did that man say to you?" I ask "Well once I got down da slide I saw him and he waved and smiled and motioned for me to walk over to him so I did and he asked if I had seen his kitty and I said no then he put his hand on my shoulder and asked if I want a kitty and I nodded but I was scared and then he grabbed my elbow and it hurt really bad and he said 'Come with me and I'll get you one' And I tried to run I just couldn't and I told him he was hurting me and I almost cried and then you started screaming and running and he said 'She doesn't love you the way I do' And then I cried he was so scary!" She says

"Oh honey I'm so sorry let's go!" I say "I want my mommy and daddy!" She says "Sweetheart they'll be back tomorrow and its almost nighttime so they'll be here before you know it!" I say "O-okay" she says and I pick her up "Thank you again!" I tell Hunter "Anytime" He says walking off

I go get my phone and purse and we go to my truck and I start the truck and head to Macies house and my phone rings

"Rose can you get that?" I ask and she answers it for me "Hello?" She asks "Oh hi Liam!" She yells "I don't know...she's driving" She says "I'll ask" She says "Gwacie you wanna talk to Liam?" She asks "Not really" I say "She says not really" She tells Liam but she hands me my phone and I'm about to hang up but I hear him say "Don't you dare hang up listen to me!"

So I sigh and put the phone to my ear "What" I say sternly "Okay I was in a really bad mood earlier" He says and I scoff "No kidding!" "No listen aunt died I kept trying to tell you but you wouldn't listen!" He says "R-really? Oh my gosh Liam I am so sorry I should've listened babe I'm sorry!" I yell on the verge of tears "Don't cry babe I can tell you're about to!" He says "Well I promised Mac I'd go to her house, meet me there? And Nicole is coming back from her date and its getting late and we need to get Rose situated and I haven't talked to Marrisa in awhile and she still hasn't told Zayn that Harry proposed and and dumped her in a day and she's planning on telling him today and who knows what's gonna happened!" I yell "Oh yeah I forgot Marrisa is his cousin, it'll be okay babe, you sound like you're about to have a panic attack calm down I'll see you at Macie and Niall's place, love you" He says "Okay, love you too" I say and hang up

"Macie!" I say when me and Rose walk inside "Oh hey!" She says and I give her a hug and she waves at Rose "Oh my gosh guess what?!" I say "What?!" She says and I tell her about Rose and Hunter and the man that tried to take Rose

"Oh my gosh!" She says and crushes Rose in a hug "That's horrible!" She yells and the someone knocks on the door and she goes and answers it "Liam!" She says and he comes in and I don't really know what to do but he runs over and picks me up "I love you so much and I hate it when we fight!" He says and I hug him back "Liam, Liam It's okay I'M sorry for being a jerk and not even listening to you! And I'm so sorry about you're aunt!" I say and give him a passionate kiss

"Um.." Macie says and me and Liam explain our fight

"Wow, I'm sorry about you're aunt Liam!" She says "It's okay, we weren't that close, Um Gracie can I talk to you?" He asks "Yeah sure" I say and he grabs my hand drags me to a back room

"Will you come with me to the funeral at Wolverhampton?"'He asks "Oh yeah of course Liam!" I say and hug him "Thanks I don't wanna go alone" He says "No you're not going alone!" I say "Okay we leave tomorrow evening" He says "Okay Pete and Luke will be back by then" I say Just as I hear the front door open

Me and Liam run out there and Niall and Macie are kissing and Rose is standing by giggling "SHIELD YOUR EYES!" I scream and run over and grab Rose and cover her eyes and Macie and Niall start laughing

"You okay now?" I ask Macie "Yeah Niall is back!" She says "We'll be at Wolverhampton for a day or two for my aunt's funeral Niall" Liam says "Oh Liam sorry about that mate!" Niall says and they do a bro hug


"We'll see you later!" I say and grab Rose and give Macie and Niall a quick hug and we leave, I take my truck and Liam takes Rose in his car

We get home and Rose runs up the stairs and into our apartment "I'M BORED!" She screams and runs around the couch in circles "Rose honey stop you need to tell Liam what happened to you today!" I say and her face turns sad and Liam sits on the couch and pulls her onto his lap and she tells him what happened

"Gracie? Is she serious?" He asks and I nod "Oh gosh" He says and hugs Rose and pulls me over and were doing an awkward group hug

"I should've been there" He whispers "No babe it's okay!" I say and hug him tighter "You guys sqwishin me!" Rose says and we laugh and pull out of the hug and my phone goes off telling me someone's calling me, I check it and it's Pete

"Hey Pete!" I say "H-hey Gr-Gracie!" She cries "What's wrong are you okay?!" I scream "I-I'm ju-ju-just PERFECT!" She says and laughs a little "Well what's going on?!" I say "He proposed! Luke proposed!" She screams and then I scream "WHEN?!" "This morning! Oh it was so beautiful we went out for breakfast at a restaurant and he stood on the table, got down on one knee and proposed to me! I was crying and everyone was cheering!" She says "THAT'S AMAZING PETE! How long have you been dating?! I scream "I KNOW RIGHT! And 3 and a half years! Today is exactly 3 years and 6 months!" She says on the verge of tears again "HOW SWEET!" I yell and tears come to my eyes just cause of how sweet this is! "I gotta go Gracie! Tell Rose I love her and we'll be back tomorrow morning! But don't tell her how me and Luke are engaged!" She says

"I won't trust me! Bye and have fun!" I say and hang up "What is it?!" Rose asks "Oh nothing sweetie!" I say and notice like white flakes falling outside "Snow?" I say and walk over and it is snow!!!!

"Rose! Liam! Let's go play in the snow!" I say and we all get in our big coats

"So you do know that Christmas is in a few days right?" He says when we're all outside "Is it really?!" I yell "Wow I can't believe you really didn't know" he says "Well I haven't celebrated Christmas in a long time Liam" I sigh "Well we'll have to make this one the best you've ever had" he whispers and pulls me into a kiss but it's interrupted by a cold ball of snow hitting faces and I turn around and see Rose giggling and then she starts running and of course me and Liam chase her

I hope this is a good Christmas

okay guys I'm so sorry that I'll be doing Christmas late I completely forgot about it and I really wanted to put it in my book so it'll be a little late!!! Love you guys!!!

Oh I'm not updating until I get 500 votes!!! So vote everyone!!!

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