Chapter 4: The Great Wake-up Call

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Heyyyy people's!!!

What'z up?!

Ug thanks to a 'great' grounding I'm only allowed on my tablet for 1 hour A DAY!!!!! So I won't be able to update much but I'll try cause I really enjoy writing on my book!

PLEASE PLEASE PLEEEEEEEEEEEEASE Don't forget to vote for mah!!!

Sorry I sound sorta desperate

Not that I am or anything

PFT..... Naaaaa

Hatas gon' hate! Taters gon' tate!

Way to go potatoes! POTATE AWAY! Like the good potatoes you are!

As for you haters... Idk what I'm saying anymore I've never even had any hate before so Lovers, keep on lovin!

Lovers gon' love! Ew no that's retarded like ga-ross

Anyways CHAPATAR 4


I sit up and rub my eyes trying to see who the heck is jumping on my bed. To no surprise it's Harry, but then I hear something in my closet. Our heads snapped over to the closet so fast we could've got whiplash.

Harry runs out faster than um...something that I guess. So I slowly get up and creep over to the closet, I'm about to open the closet when someone grabs my shoulders.


"Not funny, Louis, I could've-" but I'm cut off by a huge hand being shoved over my mouth.

You could barely hear my muffled screams.

Another arm wraps around my whole front torso, it's a long muscular arm and I'm not surprised it reaches all the way around my tiny little body. I notice Louis left, I'm still screaming inside the gimumbo hand, so I try to bite a finger.

I am unsuccessful at this task I place upon myself.

Finally he let's go of my mouth spins me around grabbing me by the wrists.

"Did I scare you, love?" Liam asks grinning so big I wanna smack that beautiful smile off his gorgeous face.

"No not at all I just-"

"Have you been crying?" He ask interrupting me.

"No" I say, I can tell he doesn't buy it.

"Sell it somewhere else sister cause we ain't buyin! Now why were you crying" He says almost making me laugh then I remember why I was crying.

"It's just...I've been...I didn't sleep hardly at all last night cause I was to busy crying cause I was thinking about how my dad's in jail and my mum is probably dead by now, Liam! Why else would I be crying?!" I yell at him, then his puppy dog eyes come out, he looks like I hurt his feelings.

"I'm sorry, Liam, I didn't mean to snap at you," I say right as he pulls me into his adorable teddy bear hug.

"No, don't be sorry, it's fine I know you're upset," he says hugging me tighter "Okay, Liam, you can let go now."

"Oh, sorry," he chuckles, "so do you want some cheering up?"

"Um, sure as long as you don't let all the boys know I've been crying," Liam smile creepily.

"Oh holy crud," I think as he yells.

"OH BOYS!" We can hear the thundering footsteps of the boys running up the stairs.

"Our little Graciekins had a bad night last night," he says winking at the boys.

"Awwwww," they say pulling me into a group hug.

"You guys are the sweetest things ever," I say when someone kisses me on the cheek.


My eyes are wide open, my mouth has dropped all the way to the floor.

"Close your mouth love, you'll catch flies" Niall says, I wonder if it was him. But it couldn't be he says it so casually and all the boys look normal, none of them blushing or anything.

"Who kissed me?" I say still shocked

That was my first kiss


"SOMEONE KISSED YOU?!" Liam said furiously.

Lookie there, Liam is already acting like an older brother, aw.

"Who did it, c'mon you might wanna tell me now or else it'll hurt a lot worse later!"

"Liam, it was only on the cheek," I laugh at him, "and the only reasonI wanted to know is cause... that might've been my first kiss" I say fast enough so they can't understand me.

"What?" they all say.

"It was my first kiss, of any sort!"

"Whoa, I was her first kiss," Niall says under his breath.





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