Chapter 57: What'd I do to them?

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2 months later

Gracie POV

"Liam! Liam James Payne stop it I don't want to eat that!" I scream running through our apartment as Liam chases me with a cherry tomato in his hands "You'll love it I swear!" He says and I laugh and run into my bedroom and try slamming the door but he shoves it opens and he slowly walks over to me but before he can do anything I smack the cherry tomato out of his hands and then step on it and he gasps.

"Die mini tomato!" I scream and Liam laughs and spins me around and wraps his arms around my waist. He picks me up and spins me around again and throws me on the bed, lays down next me and we turn to face each other. He kisses me nose and he grabs my waist as we sit up and he pulls me onto his lap.

He leans in to kiss me but right as his lips brush mine my phone rings and I reach to grab it from the nightstand but Liam grabs it first and throws it onto a pile of dirty clothes in the corner and presses his lips to mine and the ringing stops on my phone but it starts ringing again so I shove him and grab my phone and it's my dad calling.

"Hey dad" I say and look at Liam scowling at me and I laugh "Did I interrupt something?" He asks "Haha no it's fine dad" I say and Liam continues to scowl "We'll I've just been wondering how you've been we haven't talked in awhile and since you refused to help fix up the house..."

Yeah we started to fix up the house but I honestly couldn't take it, it was to much for me to bare so dads been fixing it up with some help with old friends and such.

"Yea, I'm sorry dad" I sigh "It's alright I get it, so you've been dating Liam quite some time now I understand-" "Our 1 year anniversary is in a couple days" I interrupt him "Yes but just make sure he's treating you right and he doesn't break you're heart okay?" He says "Dad you always say that 'Make sure he's treating you right, and he doesn't break you're heart' why don't you trust him?! You're the one people shouldn't be trusting not Liam ok?! I'm sick of you always mistrusting Liam and he's not gonna hurt me! At least not the way you did!" I yell

Dads never liked or trusted Liam and it's stupid and this time I just couldn't take it anymore.

"I-I know princess, I'm sorry, I just don't want anything to happen to you" he says "I'm sorry too" I say "I better go, I'll see you later" he says "Yeah see ya later" I say and hang up and sit on the floor and curl into a ball and Liam moves up next to me and wraps an arm around me

"Here smile" he says and I look and he has his phone out and he takes a picture of us "Are you posting that?" I ask "Yep" he says "We'll I have to see it" I say reaching for his phone but he stands up "You look absolutely beautiful" he says and I decide to trust him and I check my phone to see the picture and it's okay and I smile at what he said under the picture

Almost our one year anniversary! I don't know what I would've done this past year without her! Love you Gracie!

"I love you a lot Gracie" I hear Liam say and he grabs my arms and lifts me off the ground and pulls me into a bone crushing hug, but I just hug him tighter "I love you too" I say just as his phone rings and he let's go and answers his phone.

"Hey Zayn!" He says and walks out of the room.

Well then.

I get up and follow him out of my room and he walks into the living room. "Um let me ask her" He says and covers the phone with his hand "Do you wanna go to a party at Zayn and Perries place? It's kinda a prewedding thing!"

I forgot they're getting married in less than a month.

"Yeah of course! Who all is coming?" I ask "The boys, Marrisa, the guys girlfriends, Pete and Luke are coming as well and you can probably invite Nicole and Marshall" he says "Ok I'll do that!" I say and text Nicole about the party

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