Chapter 40: Who's breaking up?!

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He actually did it. He just said he...he loves me, Liam Payne actually loves me, I cannot believe he actually said that

I was told no one would ever love me

I'm tearing up

Dangit no

"Don't cry you um don't have to say it back I just had to let you know" He says and I wrap my arms around his neck "I love you too!" I say still hugging him but he pulls back and looks me straight in the eye "Then...why are you crying?" He asks and his eyes are full of concern "I'm not completely crying and cause I'm happy" I half lie

I am happy, happy that he loves me, but I just remember when I was told no one would ever love me

But someone does love me

And I love his back

"Nope. Tell me the truth" He says and I sigh and wipe a tear that escaped my eye "Someone once told me I would never be loved" I say "Who on earth would tell you that and...why would you believe them" He says "Cause...cause it was my dad. You know, the man in your life that is supposed to always love you and tell you the truth and all that yeah, I believed him" I say and Liam pulls me into a hug making the flower he placed in my hair fall but he picks it up and places it in my hair again and presses our foreheads together "Well he was all to wrong" And he kisses me

He puts his hands on my cheeks and mine go to his neck

"I love you so much" He says pulling out of the kiss and taking my hand "I love you as well" I say and he laughs and we walk back to our rental car and he opens the door for me like a gentlemen "Why thank you" I say and give him a quick kiss and hop in the car and he gets in the other side

I turn on the radio and start flipping through stations but stop on one cause 'I want crazy' by Hunter Hayes comes on "It's my song!" I squeal and Liam chuckles "I'd give anything to meet him!" I sigh and lean back in my seat and start singing along with Hunter (my secret man crush other than Liam) "But I don't want good and I don't want good enough, I want can't sleep can't breath without your love, front porch and one more kiss, it doesn't make sense to anybody else who cares if your all I think about I search the world and I know now it ain't right if you ain't lost your mind! Oh I don't want easy I want crazy are you with me baby let's be crazy!" I sing at the top of my lungs "You have a lovely voice" Liam says and smile

I don't believe him but my mother had a wonderful voice, so if I do I get it from her, but my fathers singing voice s absolutely dreadful! Once when I was younger and my parents were alive and weren't always drunk, my mom was tucking me in bed and started singing a children's song and it was so pretty, then my dad came in and started singing along and I couldn't stop from laughing cause of how terrible it was,

I almost start laughing remembering this

"What is it?" He asks pulling into the hotel parking lot "Oh just thinking about my parents" I say "Well your voice is lovely" He says again and I just shrug and get out of the car and he runs over and grabs my hand "I know some of that song, will you sing it with me?" He says as we walk to the elevator "You don't know any of that song!" I say and punch his arm and he rubs it and I gasp "DID THAT HURT!?" I scream "Just a tad love" He says "HOLY FREAKING COW I'M SUPERMAN IF I HURT YOU!" I scream again sticking my arm in the air thus acting like superman

"What's going on?!" Macie yells running out to us when we get out of the elevator with Niall right behind her "I hit Liam! And he said it hurt!" I say "No.way" Macie says and I nod "Whoa" Niall says and pats my back "Wayda go kid" He says and I laugh "It's not that funny mate" Liam says "Mhmm sure!" I say and kiss his cheek and we all head into me and Liams room

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