66: Idea

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Liam removes his arms from around my waist and stands up from the couch. "Where are you going?"

"Well, I need to pick up the things from our picnic. And we have some business to do. We can come back to get your truck, you'll ride with me."

"Now?" I ask.

"Now," He repeats in a more demanding tone.

I groan and drag my body off of the couch as well, following Liam out to the backyard.

Soon enough we pick everything up and take it back inside, placing everything where it belongs. Slowly but surely, everything is back in order. And in order it shall stay, for now.

One long drive later, we arrive at a large building and Liam gets out of his car, followed by flashing lights and multiple questions being thrown his way. As if he is going to answer them.

I scoff to the paparazzi as I exit the car myself, laughing at their means of living. Taking pictures and asking questions, only to completely turn them around and turn it into something good, or horrid, depending on what they've been told to do. What a job.

I shut the door and look for Liam, I spot the back of his black, leather jacket that he switched with his black blazer. Honestly, I prefer the leather.

"Liam!" I call out, making my way through the small waves of paparazzi.

The heat from the sun starts to overwhelm me, along with the swarms of idiots flashing bright lights on me. I remove my cardigan, leaving my shoulders bare since I am wearing a tank top. They start to get closer so I have to walk slower, it's bugging me.

"Hey!" I yell when one of the men bump into me, causing me to drop my cardigan. Regrettably, I stoop to the pavement to pick it up. As soon as I grab it I lift my head up as I bring my knees up, only to fall onto my butt in shock. I can't even see the sky from the cameras and people over me, they block my way from everywhere. I honestly feel like I'm trapped in a prison, they're legs are the prison bars.

"L-Liam!" I say sounding so vulnerable. Too vulnerable. I sit up as high as I can and close my eyes, letting my anger flow through my veins. "Liam James Payne!" I practically scream. Finally I give up on him hearing me. "Move!"

They finally make a little space and I stand straight up, bumping my head on a camera in the process. I cringe when the man holding the camera starts to cuss. "You cracked the lens!"

"Sor-" I start my apology in the most unapologetic way only to be grabbed by both arms from behind and pulled away from everyone.

"C'mon," Liam says wrapping an arm around my shoulder and I snake mine around his waist. He starts walking faster and faster until we're at the front steps, and walking up them. "Are you alright? Man, Gracie you're always getting yourself into these situations!" He jokes as a man at the top of the stairs opens the HUGE double doors and Liam and I stride in.

"Yes," I chuckle along. "Just a little shaken up. I hate it when people use language with me!"

"I know, I'm sorry he said that," He says with his arm still around my shoulder. He pulls my closer and places a soft kiss atop my head. "But you're alright. And hey! You broke the man's camera!" Liam laughs.

"Yeah! Go Gracie!" I state, referring to myself in the third person.

We reach a bronze elevator and Liam pushes a bottom. A minute later the doors slide open and 5 people waltz out, some look like they've been given a promotion, others look like they've been fired.

"Wow," I breathe out as we look at the different expressions of every person.

Liam lets me go and enters the elevator and leans against the wall, I let out a nervous laugh but don't move. I do not like elevators. "You comin'?"

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