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'This section should be finished by tomorrow. Hey! You think the Grounders are just gonna sit around, and wait for us to finish the wall?' I hear Murphy shout to a boy. 
I think his name is Connor. I walk over them and stand with my arms crossed. Charlotte is working a few meters away. She looks really tired and somehow a little sad.

'Maybe we should let the little girl do the lifting for you, huh?' Murphy says while he walks over to Charlotte. I run to Charlotte and make sure she's standing behind me.
'Go away Murphy. I think you can do his job,' I say.

Murphy looks angry but I don't care. I really don't like this guy.

'I just need some water, okay? Then I'll be fine,' Connor says.
'Murphy, get this guy some water,' Bellamy says while he walks over to us.
He looks at Charlotte and then at the pile of wood. 
'Hey, you got this?' Bellamy asks her.
He's kidding right?! He better is otherwise I'm gonna kick his ass. Charlotte drops her work and walks over to the pile of wood but Bellamy stops her.

'I'm just kidding,' he says laughing.
He looks at me and his smile fades away. I frown. Did I do something wrong? I didn't do anything. 
'What's wrong?' I ask him.

He picks up the pile of wood and walks away. What's his problem? I didn't do anything, did I?
'Uhh! What the hell is wrong with you, Murphy?'
I look at Connor and see that he is all wet. I don't think that it's water... Are you serious Murphy?! Are you really that low?

'Look at you! You wanted a water break. Get back to work,' Murphy says.
Okay. That's it. I'm angry now and you don't want me angry. 
I walk towards Murphy and I slap him on his cheek. Everyone stops working and look at me with wide open eyes. Murphy puts his hand on his cheek and he looks shocked at me. But I can sense he's not happy with what I did. He grabs a knife that was on the floor but I grab mine faster. I don't know how that knife got on the floor but I don't care right now. I grab his arm and turn him around. His back is now on on my chest and I have my knife against his throat. I feel him stiffen. Bellamy walks over to us and tries to calm me down.

'Bellamy, you better stay there,' I say to him.

'You don't want to do this Emily,' he says.

I ignore him and turn my head a little so that Murphy hears me.

'I'm done with you're shit Murphy. You better change you're attitude,' I say before I get my knife off of his throat. 

'You son of a bitch!' 
I take my gaze off of Murphy and look at Clarke who looks really angry. She walks to Murphy and pushes him. I don't think this is his favorite day. Clarke holds up a knife.
'Recognize this?' she asks Murphy. I can sense she is furious. Whatever he did, she is not happy about it. Well, no one is happy when Murphy is around. 

'It's my knife. Where'd you find it?' Murphy asks.
He wants to grab to knife but Clarke takes it out of his reach.

'Where you dropped it after you killed Wells,' Clarke shouts angry.
What? Wells dead?! I didn't see that one coming. I look at Murphy's face and see that he's shocked. I don't like to admit it, but with that kind of look , I'm not really sure if he killed Wells.
'Where I what? The Grounders killed Wells, not me,' he says still in shock.

'Yeah, but you're the only one who got in a knife fight with him.'

'Yeah, I didn't kill him then, either.'

'Tried to kill Jasper, too,' Octavia interrupts.

'What?' I ask Octavia.

I didn't know he tried to kill Jasper, but I think everyone wanted to kill him. I mean, no one could sleep and Bellamy said that everyone went nuts because of him. But I'm still not sure if Murphy really killed Wells.

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