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      She didn't do it. She can't be the one who did it. Raven just can't be the one. I know she didn't do it, but I don't know who did. I need to find out who did it. I need to know who wanted to poison Lexa. And I need to know it now. 

      'We have to do something,' Clarke says.

'Wait. We can't,' Abby says. 
Yes we can, and I'm going to do it too. I look for the bottle with the poison in it. When I see it, I grab it and walk towards Raven who's tied up on a pole. I stand in front of her with my back to her so that no one can reach her. Everyone looks curious at me but I notice Bellamy looking worried. 

      I open the bottle and press it to my lips. I let the liquid slide into my mouth and drink it. 

'Emily no!' I hear Bellamy scream. 

He's trying to run to me but Kane and Lincoln hold him. I look into his eyes while I drink and pray that he's the last thing I will see. There wasn't that much left in the bottle so I drink every bit that was left. 

      When the bottle is empty, I wait for the poison to work. But it never does. I've been standing here for a minute or so and nothing had happened yet. Why did nothing happened. Then it hits me. 

'It wasn't in the bottle,' I whisper frowning while I look at the ground. 

'What?' Lexa asks me worried and curious. 

I look up at her still frowning. 

'The poison wasn't in the bottle. It was in the cup,' I realize. 

Lexa is looking shocked at me and so are all the others. Except Gustus. 

      'It was you,' Bellamy says looking at Gustus. 

Lexa looks at him like he went nuts. 

'He tested the cup. He searched Raven,' Bellamy explains. 
He's still standing with Clarke and the others and Lincoln is still holding him. Kane let him go. 
'Gustus would never harm me,' Lexa says angry. 

'You weren't the target. The alliance was.' 

Lexa turns around to Gustus with an angry look on her face. 

      'I was also the target. He sees me as a traitor. He knew you wanted to drink with me, Lexa,' I say. 
Gustus looks angry at me. 

'Of course I want you dead. You betrayed us all for the sky people,' he explains. 
After everything we've talked about. I explained him why I needed to do what I have done. I explained him how much I miss them. Well not him anymore. 

'Gustus, is everything true? You wanted to poison Emily who's practically my sister and you wanted to break the alliance?!' Lexa asks him angry. 

'This treachery will cost you yours. I was trying to protect you.'
'This mistake will cost you yours.' 

      I turn around to face Raven and free her. Bellamy and Clarke are running towards us. 
When Clarke holds Raven Bellamy puts me away from them and holds me tight. 

'Never do that again. I thought I lost you. I swear if you'll ever do that again I don't know what I will do to myself,' he whispers. 

'I'm okay Bellamy. I'm sorry.' 


      They're doing the same thing to Gustus as what they did to Raven. They are cutting him everywhere. He also looks a lot more bloodier then Raven. He's been cut more than her. He's been cut by me. And I made sure that it hurt. He wanted to kill me after all. He wanted me dead. I still can't believe him. 

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