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'What's that sound?' I ask curious

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'What's that sound?' I ask curious.

We were walking when suddenly there was this kind of music. I don't recognize it, but I find it kinda creepy.

'It sounds like music,' Octavia responds.

I listen to the music when suddenly someone screams. I look worried at Bellamy and Octavia checking if they're okay. 
'Scott?' Bellamy asks with his gun up. 
We're walking towards where the scream came from. I'm kinda scared. Who knows what happened. 

'Listen,' Octavia says. 
We're listening to whatever Octavia meant. I don't know what Octavia meant because I don't hear anything. Suddenly Bellamy shines with his flashlight on something.

'Reapers,' Bellamy says.
I look at the two reapers and see that they're kind of like eating Scott and the other guard. Oh shit. The reapers look up and stand up. They scream and run towards us. I swing my sword and push it in a reapers chest. I pull it out and he falls to the ground. The other one is dead too. Bellamy shot him. 

'God, why is everything always going wrong?' I ask frustrated.

Bellamy pulls me in a hug and strokes my hair.

'Calm down Emily. It's okay,' Bellamy whispers. I hold him trying to calm down a little bit.
'Uh, guys?' Octavia asks worried.

Bellamy lets me go and I look at Octavia. She's looking at something and I can see she's really worried. I follow her gaze and gasp for air. Lincoln. He's hovered over one of the guard. The guards arm is pressed against Lincoln's mouth and I don't even want to know what he's doing. No. No this can't be happening. No. Lincoln can't be a reaper. 

'I'm going to kill the Mountain Men,' I say really angry.
They're not going to get away with this. Lincoln is my friend goddammit. 

'Lincoln?' Octavia asks worried. 
Lincoln looks up and the first thing I see is blood. He has blood all over his mouth. Please let this be his twin that I don't know about. Please, don't let this be Lincoln. 
'Lincoln, it's me. Octavia,' Octavia says slowly walking to him. 
Lincoln stands up and walks to Octavia. This is not going to be good. 
'Octavia don't,' I say but I'm to late. 
Lincoln grabs her by her hair and pushes her away. I hear Octavia letting out a yelp but I'm to focused on Lincoln. He's walking straight to me. I grab my sword praying that I don't have to use it. When he's just a few feet away from me I hear a gunshot. 

Lincoln falls to the ground and I look up. Octavia is leaning against a car and she has a gun. And its pointed to Lincoln. Oh god. She shot her own boyfriend. I feel for her. That must be horrible. I can't imagine doing that with Bellamy. 
'come on, we need to get somewhere save,' Bellamy says while he takes my hand and runs towards a car. Octavia follows us. Bellamy runs towards a car, me dragging with him, and tries to open it. Once it's open the three of us get in the car really fast. 

'He's a Reaper? How is it even possible? He just looked right through me,' Octavia says with her head in her hands. She is freaking out. She has tears in her eyes and she's shaking. I understand. I would even be worse if I shot Bellamy. That's for sure.  

'Shh,' Bellamy says while he places his hand on her mouth trying to shut her up. 

Octavia looks worried at him and Bellamy nods his head to the window. Octavia and I both look out of the window and there he is. Lincoln is standing outside looking trough the window. 

'Can he see us?' I whisper. 

'I don't know,' Bellamy whispers back. 
Suddenly Lincoln slaps his hand on the window and then he just leaves. God that was scary. I look at Octavia and see she's even more shaking then she already did. 

'Shh. Just listen to me. We'll get him back. I promise,' Bellamy whispers to Octavia. 
I'm not so sure you can take him back buddy. After all the stories I've heard from Lexa about the reapers. I don't think you can get him back. But I'm not gonna say that because I will break Octavia's heart even more. 

'Okay what's the plan?' I ask. 


'You sure you're ready for this?' Bellamy asks Octavia. 
We made up a plan. Octavia is going to draw him in and then Bellamy is going to taser him. I have no idea how Bellamy got the taser but I don't really care at the moment. I just want Lincoln to be better and alive. I don't think he's gonna be better but at least he's alive. 
'Okay. Draw him in. I'll do the rest,' Bellamy says. 
Octavia nods and she walks a few feet away. We can still see her. Bellamy and I are hiding behind a car. 

'Lincoln! Can you hear me?' Octavia asks loudly. 
I see movement in the corner of my eye and I turn my head to take a better look at it. It's Lincoln. 
'There he is,' I whisper to Bellamy. 
He follow my gaze and see's Lincoln. 

'Stay here,' he says. 
I nod and he places a kiss on my forehead really fast before he stands up. He walks towards Octavia and Lincoln trying to no make any noise. 
'I'm sorry,' I hear Octavia say. 
Then I hear the sound of the taser. It sounds really familiar. I'm tasered two times back in the Ark. One was because I tried to run away and the other one was because I tried to fight against the guards. 

'Emily, come here,' I hear Bellamy say. 
I stand up quickly and walk over to them. Lincoln is laying on the ground unconscious. 

'Now what?' I ask them. 

'Now we take him home,' Bellamy says. 

I know exactly what he means by home. The drop ship. 


We arrived in the drop ship and chained up Lincoln. Bellamy went back to camp Jaha trying to get Clarke. If anyone can save Lincoln then it's Clarke or Abby. But right now, I trust Clarke more then Abby. 
'He's waking up,' Octavia says while she stands up. 

'Octavia don't get to close,' I warn her. 
Octavia nods and walks a few steps towards Lincoln. I can see she's hurt. 

'Lincoln, it's me. Octavia,' Octavia whispers. 

Lincoln just looks at her and tries to get away. He's pulling on the chains trying to get them loose. 

'Octavia, I think it's better if you get back,' I say worried. 
Octavia turns to me and looks really angry. What did I do? I just told her to be careful and I'm trying to protect her. 

'Don't tell me what to do. He's my boyfriend, he isn't going to hurt me,' Octavia shout at me. 
This is making me angry. I'm trying to protect her and this is what I get?
'That's not you're boyfriend Octavia. You're boyfriend is gone! Lincoln is gone. He's a reaper now. We can't get him back!' I shout back at her. 

'Maybe we do.' 
I turn around and see Clarke and Bellamy standing next to each other. We don't they believe me. 

'No Clarke we can't. He's a reaper. After all the stories Lexa told me I don't believe we can get him back,' I tell her. 

'At least we're going to try. I won't let him die that easily Emily. He's my friend,' Clarke say. 
She walks to Lincoln and he fights really hard to get to her. Clarke backs away. 

'It's okay. It's okay. He's been restrained,' Bellamy says while he puts a hand on her shoulder. 
Here comes the jealously. I always knew Bellamy had something for Clarke. Everyone can see that just by the way he looks at her. I know he would never cheat on me but it still hurts me. I can't look at this. I can't look at Bellamy and Clarke because it makes me jealous. I can't look at Octavia because she hates me. I can't look at Lincoln because that only hurts me more. He's my friend. I want him to be better but I don't think it's going to work. He's the only person who truly understood me back in camp when I everything was to much for me. I can't look at this.

'I'm outside,' I say sad. 
I walk to the hatch and climb. Before I'm out of side I can see Bellamy looking at me. He looks a little worried and hurt. He takes his hand off of Clarke's shoulder quickly. I look back down and jump on the floor. I walk outside really fast and look for a place to sit.

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