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After Bellamy and I talked things out he didn't leave my side. I asked him why and he said that he was worried. Worried that I might have a panic attack again. But I know that won't happen. It won't happen because I have nothing to be sad or worried of anymore. Bellamy and I are on good terms now. So are Octavia and I. And I don't have to be worried anymore about it. 

But because Bellamy never wanted to leave my side I needed to go with him. To Pike. He wanted to talk to him but I don't know why. I asked him not to. But he didn't listen. Then I asked if I could stay in my room but he said no. He wanted me to come with him. He doesn't even care that I don't like Pike. He knows that I don't like the guy but he just doesn't care. If there are going to be problems between me and Pike then a part is Bellamy's fault. 

So now the three of us are sitting on a table in the canteen. No ones talking. And I'm also not going to. Bellamy didn't brought me here to talk. But I'm also uncomfortable. Well it was silent until Pike decided to speak. 

'Let's talk about Mount Weather. I know you think it was your fault. Is that why you resigned?' Pike asks Bellamy. 

I know that Pike doesn't want to talk to me either so he isn't talking to me. Or about me. What he probably does sometimes. Bellamy takes the tiny glass in his hand and drinks it. Pike does the same and I just sit here. Not doing anything. Just waiting for Pike to continue. What he finally does. 

'You're right. It was your fault.' 
Bellamy looks up frowning at what Pike just said and I probably look the same. He's not talking to me but it still hits me. You can't just tell someone it's their fault that everyone is dead. That's just rude. 

'mine, too. Every life we honored at the memorial was lost because we trusted a Grounder,' Pike continues. 

Hey she has a name you know,' I say but they both don't listen to me. 

'I talked you into it. I knew her, and I vouched for her,' Bellamy says.
'No. You don't get to own this one alone.'

Someone comes and places two new shots at the table and takes the other two away. I'm  not drinking. Once she's gone Pike starts to talk again. 

'I knew what they were capable of, but I let my guard down one day, and 35 of my people died.'
Pike grabs the shot and holds it in the air a little. He looks at Bellamy. 

'Never again.'
Bellamy takes his shot as well. 

'Never again,' he repeats Pike's words. 
They both drink and I just want to go away now. I think this is the end of the conversation. 

'Can I go now?' I ask Bellamy ones he puts don the shot. 
He nods and a smile appears on my face. 

I'm glad I don't have to look at Pike's face anymore. I press a kiss on Bellamy's cheek and quickly walk away. But what I didn't know is that the conversation wasn't over. Not at all actually. But I didn't hear it because I was already to far away. 


I'm outside looking at the gates. Monroe, Harper and Lincoln are standing there. I want to go out there but they aren't letting me go. I wanted to talk to Indra. I wanted to ask her how Clarke and Lexa are doing. I wanted to ask if everything was okay there. If there were no problems. But I guess that's not gonna happen. 

TWO PIECES ➸ BELLAMY BLAKEWhere stories live. Discover now