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      There are grounders everywhere

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      There are grounders everywhere. Clarke and I reached the tent of Lexa and we were about to get in when Indra stopped us. She has a large spear in her hands and presses it against Clark's chest. I look at her stomach and see blood.
'Indra that's enough. We just want to talk to Lexa. Please?' I aks her hopefull.
Indra looks at me and then nods after a few seconds. She takes the spear off of Clarke's chest and Clarke takes a deep breath. I'm not sure why Indra is listening to me but it's makes me feel good. It makes me happy knowing she doesn't hate me. That she still trusts me after everything.

      'You bleed for nothing. You cannot stop this.'
I look away from Indra and see Lexa. She looks like usual. War paint on her face. Her hair in braids. A smile appears on my face. I missed her. She looks at me and smiles back. But then she looks at Clarke again and the smile is gone.
'No. Only you can. Show my people how powerful you are. Show them you can be merciful. Show them you're not a savage,' Clarke says to Lexa.

      Lexa can be merciful, but not with this. Why don't they see that? Finn cannot be saved. He killed to many people to forgive. Even if Lexa told us that she was going to spare him, he would be killed anyway. So will Lexa. The grounders will see her as a weak person if she lets him free. And they can't use a commander that's weak.

       'We are what we are,' Lexa says calm.
'Then I'm a killer. I burned 300 of your people. I slit a man's throat and watched him die. I'm soaked in Grounder blood. Take me.'
Lexa looks surpised for a second.
'But Finn is guilty,' Lexa says.
'No. He did it for me. He did it for me.'
'Then he dies for you,' Lexa says.

       There are tears rolling down on Clarke's face and she looks hurt at Finn. Finn looks back at Clarke worried and I can see that he knows we failed. We couldn't convince Lexa to let him go. This will be his death. And he knows it. I look at Lexa and take a few steps towards her.
'Lexa I know we can't stop you from doing this, but let her say goodbye at least,' I asks her.
She thinks about it for a few seconds but then nods.

       I turn to Clarke.
'Clarke, you can say goodbye if you want,' I tell her.
She nods at me and walks to Finn. When she reaches him she presses her lips against his. Without even thinking about it, I look at Bellamy and sees he's already looking at me. I smile sadly at him and he smiles back. Then suddenly Raven starts to scream next to him. Bellamy looks really worried at her and he holds the crying girl in his arms trying to calm her down.

      All the grounders start to scream and they grab their weapons. They want to run to Clarke but Lexa stops them.
'It is done,' she says while she holds up her hand as a sign to not move forward.
I turn around worried at what is going on and look at Clarke. Her hands are covered in blood. I look shocked at her and then my eyes wander to Finn.

      His head is hanging down. It's like he's sleeping. His shirt is covered in blood. I look back at Clarke in shock and then I see the knife. So that's what Raven gave her. I know Raven didn't give it to her to kill Finn.

     She gave it to her to kill Lexa. That's stupid of her. If Clarke was stupid enough to kill Lexa, then we'd all be dead. And it would be her fault. Because she gave the knife to Clarke. She probably told her to kill Lexa.

      'No! No! No! No!'
I can hear Raven's cries in the distance. Her crying is the only thing I hear. Finn meant so much to her. He meant so much to everyone. He was Clarke's first boyfriend. A hero for some of our people. Most are the kids from the 100. But for me, I concider him as one of my best friends.

      If I needed someone to cheer me up, he would be there for me. He would always be there for me. Sometimes he made me mad, but most of the time he was really nice. He was the nicest guy I've ever known. Now he's gone. I remember the first time I met him. It was in the dropship before we landed on earth...

      'Hey beautiful, I'm Finn.'
'I'm Emily. We can talk if you go back into you're seat because I don't want a dead body in front of me when we reach the ground. And there are two boys doing the same thing as you so please be the responsible one and go back to you're seat.'

       In the woods on our way to Mount Weather...

      'You're fun too Sparkle.'
'You're the spark of the group so I thought Sparkle would be a good nickname.'

       When we had that fight because of Jasper's condition.

       'But he also happens to be right.'
'What? No Jasper's not a lost cause. If you think that then you can go.'

        Finn was a great friend. But now he's gone. He's dead. I think this is how it goes from now on. People dying. Enemys, friends, family. I'm happy though that Clarke did it. I know what Lexa would've done and what Clarke did was much better. He didn't suffer much. But Clarke did. She still does. She will have nightmares for weeks. I know it because I had it with my dad.

       Tears are rolling down on my face and I didn't even notice. I tried to stay strong. But I can't. I can't stay strong every time. And I know that. Suddenly someone is standing in front of me. I look up and see Bellamy. I look at him with a sad look and more tears are coming out of my eyes. He pulls his arms around me and holds me tight against him. I cry on his chest.

       'He's gone, Bell. Finn's gone and I couldn't save him,' I cry.
'I know but you can't save everyone Emily. You tried to save him but you can't always be a hero. No one can,' he says.
He's right. I can't save everyone. But one of my best friends is gone. Who knows who is next.

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