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      Bellamy kicks the vent open and crawls out. He then turns around and helps me. 

'Thanks,' I say with a smile. 
Jasper and Maya follow after me.

'We don't have much time. The last 12 are on this level,' Bellamy says. 

'Including Monty. Which way?' Jasper asks Maya while he helps her out. 

      'This way,' Maya says while she points to her right. 
We start to walk but some kind of an alarm stops us. Bellamy and Jasper both takes their guns and hold it ready to shoot. Suddenly there's a voice. 
'Attention. Class one quarantine protocols are now in effect. All citizens must report to level 5 immediately. Hard seal lock down in T-minus 30 minutes and counting.'

I look at Maya and see that's she's looking really worried and scared. 

      Jasper walks to her. 

'Listen to me. It's gonna be okay. All right? You're gonna be okay,' Jasper says to her trying to calm her down.

'We're not gonna let anything happen to you, will we?' he then asks Bellamy. 

Well let me tell you one thing. We can't promise you anything. But of course I'm not going to say that because it will only freak her out even more. 

      'Jasper, in 30 minutes, all backup power gets diverted for species continuity. That means level 5 for life support and security. Radiation will seep in everywhere else. I can't go to level 5 without being shot in the head,' Maya says. 

'I'm not going to let that happen Maya. You're my friend. I'm not going to let you die,' I say while I grab her hand as a sign that she doesn't has to worry. 

      'Guys, we need to keep moving,' Bellamy then says. 
I let go of Maya's hand and walk to Bellamy. I grab his free hand and squeeze it. He looks at me and gives me a smile. 

'We'll get you your Hazmat suit, extra oxygen, enough to last until the engineers get the power back on,' Jasper says. 

      That is not going to work. We will not be able to get a Hazmat suit. Let a lone extra oxygen. Where the hell does he get that idea from?

'And then what? You think Cage Wallace is gonna let me live here after that?' Maya asks Jasper with tears in her eyes. 

'Then we kill him,' Jasper says after a few seconds of thinking. 

      We stay silent for a few seconds. Then we want to walk away but suddenly there's a gun shot. Without thinking I run towards the sound. I know, really stupid. 

'Emily wait!'

Bellamy yanks me back by grabbing my arm. 

'Don't do that!' he says angry.

      I look at him and then nod. I walk to stand next to Maya and Jasper and Bellamy are standing in front of us with guns in their hands. 
'Move! You heard him. Let's go,' I hear someone say. 

Jasper wants to walk over to the sound but Bellamy pushes him back. 

'Slow, slow. Be ready for anything,' Bellamy says to him. 

      Just when we turn around the corner I see a door close. I also see a dead body lying on the ground. There's blood by her head and I guess she's shot in her head. 

'It's Mrs. Ryan,' Maya says while she walks towards the dead woman.

'She was hiding the last 12,' Bellamy says worried. 
'Where'd they take them?' Jasper asks. 

      'It's got to be level 5,' I say. 
Suddenly Jasper walks to the door that closed just when we turned around the corner. 

'No,' Bellamy says while he goes standing in front of Jasper. 

'Get out of my way,' Jasper says slightly angry. 

'Every person inside this mountain is on level 5, every soldier. Tell him,' Bellamy says the last sentence while he looks at Maya. 

      'Jasper's right,' Maya agrees with Jasper.

'After the lockdown, it'll be almost impossible to get them out. It's now or never,' Maya explains.

I look at Bellamy and see he's considering about what Maya just said. I agree with Maya. It's now or never. Then Bellamy nods. 
'All right, but how do we even get-' 

      Bellamy is cut off by a sound just around the corner. Jasper and Bellamy both point their guns to the source of the sound. Suddenly there's a head in sight. I know exactly who it is. 

'Monty,' I whisper. 

Monty is sitting on the floor on his knees and he looks really weak.

'What is it? What's wrong?' Bellamy asks him. 

      Monty looks up with a scared and worried look.

'They know about the Grounders. That's why I hid. I... I didn't do anything to save the others. I let them kill Mrs. Ryan,' he says with tears in his eyes. 

'What do you mean they know about the Grounders?' I ask him worried. 
If they know about the Grounders then we're kind of screwed. It needed to be a surprise attack. Otherwise it won't be as effective. If they know then they are ready to fight. 

      'It was on a soldier's walkie. They're going for the harvest chamber,' Monty explains. 
Okay, now I'm totally freaking out. I look at the three who were with me and see that they're as worried as I am. 

'If they take it, we lose everyone,' Bellamy says. 
We all stand still for a few seconds. Then Bellamy takes my hand and start to run dragging me with him. Maya, Jasper and Monty behind us. 


      Bellamy kicks the door open and the five of us walk into the room where Bellamy and I were held captive first. This room has memories I don't want to bring up again. 

I look at Maya and see that she's crying. She looking at something on the floor and I follow her gaze. My heart skips a beat. Vincent. Blood. Vincent.

      I fall to my knees with tears streaming down on my face. I can't believe this. He's dead. He has been so nice to me and he has grown on me. I only knew him for like a day but he was such a great man. But now he's gone. He's gone like almost everyone else in my life. Maya cries are filling my ear and I'm crying too. Everything seems like to go in slow motion. Bellamy is hugging me and trying to calm me down but it's no use. He's dead and I couldn't do anything about it. Why do the people I always start to care about die? It's not fair! It's just not fair! 

      They're going to pay for this. They are going to pay for everything they've done. Every death. Every Grounder they took. all the blood they took. I'm going to make sure everyone in this damn mountain dies. And i'm not going to stop until that job is finished. 

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