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'Rover's almost charged. We need to pack up. We'll be home soon.'
If there's still a home. Maybe A.L.I.E. got to the others. maybe she knew that we were using the Ark as a hiding place and sent people. We never know. But I just hope that that isn't the case. That we are still save. That she doesn't know we are using the Ark.

'Then what, run away?'

That's not an option. They can run away from these problems but I'm not going to. I'm not going to run away from these problems. I'm going to try to fix them. 

'We're not running away, Clarke. We need to regroup with the others, and find another way to defeat-'

'There is no other way,' Clarke interrupts Bellamy. 

There's always another way. You just have to look for it. Maybe do something for a change. 

'We need to find a Nightblood. We need to unlock the Flame. It's the only way to stop A.L.I.E,' Clarke continues. 
This just makes me so angry. What about my choice? They all tell me that putting the flame in me is not an option but they don't know that it's the only one. 

'Are you guys blind or something? What about me?' I ask them frustrated. 

'Like we said. It's not an option,' Bellamy says looking at me. 

'It's the only option!' I say angry while I jump off of the car.  
I was sitting on the roof and I was bored. We were all not talking to each other until now. 

'I'm the only night blood left besides from Luna and Ontari. But Ontari is not an option. Luna is not an option. So that leaves me. Why are you guys so hard about this?' I raise my voice with every word. 

'Because we don't want you to die, Emily!' Bellamy yells at me. 

This took me by surprise. I never saw him this angry. But also calm at the same time. 

'I don't want you to die,' Bellamy says softer. 

'There is no other choice Bell,' I almost whisper. 

He remains silent and shakes his head. I can see he isn't liking that option but he also knows it's the only one. But he's not going to let Clarke put the flame in my head. I know he won't let her.

'Back on what Clarke said. What do you expect us to do? walk into random villages asking for their Nightbloods?' Jasper says. 

I turn away from Bellamy and walk back to the car. Like I said. They are just pretending I'm not a night blood. And I don't think they will ever agree with me. 

'If that's what it takes.'

'No Clarke. If A.L.I.E. can find us on Luna's rig, then she can find us anywhere. I won't help you destroy another innocent Grounder village,' Octavia says. 

Clarke sighs and takes a step towards the dark haired girl. 

'If we don't find a Nightblood, there won't be any Grounder villages,' then she turns to Bellamy,' or a home for us to go back to.'  

'That's all the more reason we go there and make sure our friends are okay,' he says.

Clarke looks at all of us and then she sighs. 

'Just so you know. If we don't find another night blood, then I agree with Emily.'
Then she walks away. Being and trying to be a good friend I jump off of the car again and walk after Clarke. 

I slung my arm around her shoulder with a small smile on my lips. 

'Thank you,' I whisper so that the others won't hear. 

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