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      'We're on level two. The dorm is on five. There's a camera in the upper right-hand corner. Keep your heads down,' Maya explains while we walk into an elevator. I want to grab Bellamys hand but I drop my hand quick when I see an hand stopping the elevator doors.

      'Hold the elevator.'
The elevator doors open and a man steps in.
'Hey, Maya. You know, I missed you in my expressionists class,' he says while he looks at her.
As reflection to not be seen I duck behind Bellamy. I see his hand moving to his gun.

      I place my hand on his and he looks at me.
'Don't,' I mouth.
He nods and drops his hand. He takes mine and squeezes. The guy still hasn't seen me and I like to keep it like that so I drop Bellamys hand again. He will understand.

      'Yeah. I... I had some work to do,' Maya lies.
'Ah. I'll get you the notes,' the man responds.
Then the elevator doors open again and we want to walk out but the man who talked with Maya stops us.

      'Hey, you're both bleeding. You ok?' the man asks us.
Maya looks at us and her eyes go wide. She runs to Bellamy and puts her hand and his neck. I do the same at my arm and walk back into the elevator with Bellamy and Maya.

      'You were exposed. We need to retrace your steps and find the breach. You better go,' Maya says to the man. The man nods and walks out of the elevator. Then he truns around again and looks at Maya.

      'What about you?' he asks Maya.
'This is my job. I'll be fine.'
'Keep the handkerchief,' he says to Maya and me like I know what I'm doing.
Well let me tell you something. I have no idea what I'm doing.

      Maya takes her hand off of Bellamys neck and looks at us.
'Good thing you know what you're doing,' I say to her.
She laugh and Bellamy and I laugh with her. It's kind of funny after all.


      We're walking in the halways on our way to where our friends are but suddenly Maya stops us.
'Ok. Come along. Inside,' I hear a woman say.
I peek around the corner and see kids walking into a classroom. My eyes go wide and I turn to Bellamy with tears in my eyes.

      'We can't kill them Bell. We can't kill those kids,' I say sad.
He puts his arms around my waist and holds me.
'I will do anything to make sure of that,' he assures me.
I nod and let him go. I give him a quick kiss on his lips and then I walk around the corner with the others behind me. Maya then walks in front of me, me in the middle, Bellamy behind.

I turn around scared of who it is but then I see a boy looking at Bellamy.
'Are you on a ground unit?' the noy asks him. I see that Bellamy doesn't know what to say.
'Yeah, he is,' I say with a smile.
'My dad is training for a ground unit,' the boy then says.

      I smile at him.
'I'm pretty sure you're dad is happy about that. I think it's really great out there,' I say to him.
The boy smiles at me.
'You're really nice,' he says.
'Thank you. But let me tell you a secret,' I say while I drop myself to look him into the eyes.

      'I know someone who's even nicer then me,' I say.
'Who?' he asks me excited.
'You,' I say laughing while I tickle him.
He laughs and tries to stop me. I stop and smile at him.
'Now go to your class kiddo,' I say still smiling.

      He gives me a hug and I freeze. I didn't expect this. I put my arms around his tinny body and hug him back.
'It was fun talking with you....'
'Johanna,' I say to him.
I can't tell him my real name. Dante said everyone knows me. I can't risk anything.

      The boy them walks away. I see his backpack and the name on it. I stand up immediately. Lovejoy. I killed his father. I killed the little kid's father. Oh god. The tears are streaming down on my face. Bellamy hugs me and calms me down.

      'I killed his father,' I whisper sad.
'You did what you needed to. We would be dead if you didn't. Then this was all for nothing.'
He then lets me go and I wipe away my tears. It's all going so fast. I turn to Maya and nod.
'Let's go,' I say.
We walk away to where ever my friend are.


      There it is. The room they are keeping my friends in. I look for familiar faces and then I see them.
'Jasper!' I say a little too loud.
Jasper turns around and sees me and Bellamy. His eyes go wide and he wants to run to us. Monty sees us too and starts to run too. Suddenly the doors close.

      They look shocked and try to open the door but it isn't moving. I run to the door and try to do the same as Jasper and Monty but nothing's working.
'No no no,' I say frustrated.
Bellamy pulls me away from the door and we walk back to where Maya is.

      'We need a radio,' he says to her.
He's right. We need a radio. Now.
'I can get you to it,' Maya says.
'Take us to it,' I say nodding.
Maya starts to walk and Bellamy and I walk after her.


      So the radio is behind a painting. Never thought they would put a radio behind that.
'Camp Jaha, this is Mount Weather. Can anyone read me?' Bellamy says.
It's silent. It's silent for a long time.
'Let me try,' I say.

      Bellamy hands me the radio and I put it to my mouth.
'Camp Jaha, this is Mount Weather. If you're playing with us then I'm gonna kill you. Pick up the damn radio!' I say frustrated.
'Clarke? It's about time,' I say.
'Are you and Bellamy okay?' Clarke asks me trough the radio worried.
'Yeah we're okay,' I say.
Then I hand the radio to Bellamy.

      'Clarke it's me. We have to talk fast. Something has changed. Jasper, Monty, everyone, they just locked them in the dorm,' Bellamy explains.
'But they're alive, all of them?'
'I think so, for now. Maya says that they're already using their blood, and things are gonna get ugly in here real fast.
'Maya is with you?' Clarke asks curious.
'She helped us escape. If not for her, we'd be dead.'

      I grasp the radio out of Bellamys hand and start to talk.
'Clarke, there are kids in here and I'm not going to let them die. We need a plan that doesn't kill everyone. Please tell me we have one,' I say desperate.
We need plan that won't kill all of them.

      'I hear you, but we can't do anything until you disable the acid fog. Raven is gonna help you,' Clarke says.
'Got it. What else?' I ask her.
'You have to figure out a way to free the Grounder prisoners. There's a whole army inside that mountain, and they don't even realize it.'

'Trojan horse. Good plan,' Bellamy says loud enough for Clarke to hear.
'What does Maya think? Is it doable?' Clarke asks.
I look at Maya waiting for an answer but I don't get one. I think she is still in shock after everything.

      'She says it's not a problem. Look. If we're gonna pull this off, we need you to buy us some time. It won't be long before they realize Bellamy and I don't belong here, and if that happens...' I say.
'That can't happen Emily. I'll come up with something.'

'Come up with it quick,' Bellamy says. 'Copy that, and, Bellamy, Emily..
'Yeah?' Bellamy says.
'You guys came through.'
'All we've done so far is not get killed,' I say frowning.

      'Keep doing that. Oh, and Emily?'
'I'm really angry at you for sneaking out. But I'm glad you're okay,' she says.
'Be safe there Clarke. And tell Lexa I said hi. She is probably angrier at me then you are,' I say with a small smile.
'Oh you should see her,' Clarke says laughing.

      'Okay. Bye Clarke.'
Then it's silent. I turn to Maya.
'Let's start,' I say.
She nods and walks away with Bellamy and me behind her.

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