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{season 2}

'Why did you let me die?' 

I turn around and see Joshua. There's blood everywhere. His face, his stomach. His cloths are socked with blood. It scares me to be honest.
'What do you mean?' I ask him. 
'You could have saved me but you let me die instead,' he says angry. 

'What? No, I tried to save you but you told me that it wouldn't help anything. I'm so sorry that I couldn't save you,' I say with tears in my eyes. 
I did my best to save him but he didn't let me. If he'd let me then maybe he was still alive right now. 

'It's all your fault. You should have killed the boy who tried to kill me! But you didn't. You let him live. And I? I died!' he starts to scream. 
He takes a few step towards me and I immediately step back. But then my back hits a tree. He reaches me and grabs a knife. 

'This is for what you did!' he screams at me and when he is about to push the knife in my heart he fades away. 
I look around searching for him. 

'Joshua?' I ask scared. 

'Why did you let me die?'  

Joshua is standing in front of me again. Why is he here again? I just saw him.
'Joshua, I'm sorry I let you die. I already said that,' I say crying. 
I can't. Get me out of here, please! 

'You could have saved me but you let me die instead,' he says again. 

'Why are you repeating everything?! You already said that. Please stop. I know what I did and I'm feeling terrible for it. You were my friend Joshua. How do you think I would feel?! Happy?!' I cry out. 
'It's all your fault. You should have killed the boy who tried to kill me! But you didn't. You let him live. And I? I died!'  
I cry even more and fall on my knees. This is not real. This is not real. But why does it feels so real?! 

'Let it stop. Let it stop!' I sob. 

Joshua walks to me again and pulls me up. 

'No don't do it. Stop please. Let it stop,' I cry. 
'This is for what you did!' 

Then I feel the knife in my chest. Joshua disappears again but the knife is still in my chest. I fall on my knees again and grab the knife. I try to pull it out but it won't move. I start to scream out of frustration. This is not happening. I''m not dying! I can't die! This isn't real. I scream again. Suddenly I'm shaking. I look down at the ground and see that it's fading. Everything is starting to change into black.

I open my eyes screaming.
'Hey, it's okay. It was just a nightmare. I'm with you it's okay,' I hear someone say.
I look in front of me and Bellamy. He looks really worried. He has dark bags under his eyes and his hair is a mess. But I bet I'm worse. I probably look like a zombie. 

'Hey, you're okay. Nothing can happen to you. I will make sure of that,' he says before he pulls his arms around my waist. He presses his body against mine. I pull my arms around his neck and bury my head in the crook of his neck. I close my eyes and breath his sent. I open my eyes again. It's still dark. 

'I don't wanna sleep again Bellamy. I will only dream again,' I whisper. 
'I know but you need to rest. Remember that I'm here all the time. I will hold you all the time. You're save with me Emily. Try to sleep. I will protect you,' Bellamy whispers back. 
I look in his eyes and then nod. I don't want to sleep but he's right. I need to rest. Suddenly I feel lips on mine. Bellamy pulls me closer then I already was and he holds my tight. I close my eyes and melt in the kiss. His soft lips are moving against mine. I feel like I'm in heaven. I feel his tongue against my bottom lip. I separate my lips and I feel his tongue sliding in. Our tong are fighting for dominance but I know he will win. His cold hand finds his way under my shirt and I back away. 
'Not here, not right now. Also, Finn is here,' I whisper against his lips. 
'Sorry,' he whispers back. 

'Don't be. Now is just not the right time.' 
I peck his lips one last time and then I lie down. I feel Bellamy lying down as well and he slides his arms around me. I close my eyes and soon sleep takes over me.


'Emily wake up.'
I open my eyes and look at Bellamy's face. How long have I been asleep. It's day already.
'We're going back to the drop ship,' he says.
I nod and stand up. I'm feeling like I need to throw up. I'm going back to the place we're a lot of my people died. Anya is dead. Joshua is dead. Every Grounder is dead.

'Are you sure you want to go?' I hear Finn ask. 

'Yeah. I'm sure,' I say before I start to walk. 

Finn walks in front of me and Bellamy next to me. Suddenly I feel a hand in mine. I look down. Bellamy's fingers are intertwined with mine. I look up at Bellamy and see he's smiling. A smile appears on my face too. I'm lucky to have him. 
'Do you wanna talk about it?' he suddenly asks. 

'What do you mean?' I ask with my brows frowned.

'Your nightmare. You looked pretty shocked when you woke up,' he says worried.

I look at the ground. Should I tell him? I take a deep breath before I start to speak. 

'It was Joshua. He said that it was my fault and that I should've killed you. And then he was going to kill me. The first time he just faded but then he came back. Then he pushed the knife in my chest. That's the point were you woke me up,' I say sad. 
I don't really want to think about it. Joshua was my friend. I know it wasn't real but it felt real. 
'It wasn't your fault he's dead. It's mine. I killed him and he was right. You should've killed me Emily. But that's not the point. It isn't your fault. He asked you to say the words you needed to say, I don't know what it meant but I think he was thankful that you said it.'

I look up at Bellamy again. I put a smile on my face. I press his lips on mine. 

'Thank you,' I whisper when I pull away.



'Who are they?' I ask Bellamy. 
We've reached the drop ship but we are still in the tunnels. There are people with guns watching.  Suddenly I see a familiar person. 

'Abby,' I whisper. 
Is this real? Is she real?! Is she really here?! I start to run towards her.
'Abby!' I shout.

She turns around and a smile appears on her face. I jump in her arms. She was like a second mom to me. Every time my mom was a shithead she was there for me.

'I can't believe you're here,' I whisper.

She looks at me with a smile.

'Where are the others? Where's Clarke?' she asks. 

My smile falls from my face.

 'What do you mean? They should be here. Aren't they in the drop ship?'

'No. Only Raven and a boy. I believe his name is Murphy.' 

Oh this can't be good. Where are the others? 

TWO PIECES ➸ BELLAMY BLAKEWhere stories live. Discover now