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''Who we are and who we need to be to survive are very different things.''


Bellamy POV

I can't believe this. She's a freaking Grounder! And she's second in command. Why? Why did she do this? Why didn't she just wait for me to get her?! I was the only one that was looking for her day and night. I've never stopped. The girl I loved isn't there anymore. She is someone else and I don't recognize her. The make-up that she had on her face was scary. First I didn't know it was her but then I heard her face softly. She didn't even wait for me. I could have saved her. I don't want to see her again. I just can't look at her. I saw a girl that is cruel, not the girl I used to love.

I look up and see that Octavia is standing in my tent. I've been in here for the past two days. It's been two freaking days since the last time I saw Emily. I look at Octavia and I can feel the tears welling up. Octavia walks over to me and pulls me in a hug. The tears are streaming down on my cheeks and I can't keep them back. I've been crying for two days because of Emily. 
'I just can't believe she did this to us. Why would she do this?' I cry out. 
'Lincoln told me that she didn't had a choice. It was second in command or her death. You would choose the same thing as her if you were in that situation. I would do the same and so would everyone else. She loves you Bellamy. I know that because of the way she looked at you when she saw you on the bridge. Lincoln talked a few times to her and he said that she is devastated. He told me she can't show weakness, but because of you she does that,' Octavia says trying to calm me down. 
She lets me go and gives me a paper. 

'Lincoln got this from Emily. She asked if he could give this to you,' she says before she walks away. 

I look down at the paper and read what it says.

Can you please meet me at Lincoln's cave with Clarke? I have to explain you guys a lot of things. If you don't come, then I know you guys really hate me. I'm really sorry for what I did. Emily.

Should I go? I actually don't want to see her again but the urge is huge. I take a deep breath and walk out of my tent with the letter. I walk over to Clarke and give it to her. She reads the letter and frowns her brows before she looks at me. 
'I don't want to see her. She's right, I hate her,' Clarke says angry. 
'Clarke, we have to do this. She can tell us why she did this to us. I want to know why she did it.'

'She betrayed us Bellamy! A true friend wouldn't do that!' she shouts.

Now I'm the one to become angry.

'She did this because otherwise it would be her death! She didn't want this okay?! She hated the Grounders as much as we do! We're going to meet her, if you like it or not!' I shout back angry before I walk away. But then I turn around again and face her. 

'We're going in an hour. Be ready then.' 
Then I walk away again. 

Emily POV

'Lexa, I need to talk to you,' I say while I walk over towards the girl.
'What's wrong?' she asks curious. 
I sit down next to her and look to the ground. How am I going to explain this? I look at her and see she's looking at me already. 

'I have something I need to do in an hour. Can I go without any problems?' I ask. 
'Where do you need to go?' 
If I tell her that, she's gonna be so mad. I close my eyes and take a deep breath before I begin to speak again.

'I need to talk to Bellamy and Clarke. I need to explain things. Of course I'm not gonna tell anything about the war, I'm not stupid. I can bring someone with me, but are you okay with that?' I ask her hoping she says yes. 
'Hodnes laik kwelnes. Ste yuj, nou bilaik kwelness (love is weakness. Be strong, don't show weakness),' she says.
I look hopeless at her.
'So I take that as a no?' I ask.

'It's a yes. You can go but you have to bring someone. Take you're knife and sword with you and don't show them you're weak. I know you're not always weak, but sometimes you are. Osir keryon ste teina (our souls are entwined) since Anya chose us both to be her second. If you want to do something, I have to be okay with that. If I want to do something then you have to be okay with that. That's how it works. I suggest you to bring Nyko with you. You guys seem to get along pretty good.'

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