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Bellamy POV

Me, Clarke, Dante and Monty are in this control room and Monty is trying to get the cameras to work. He's doing a great job. Better then I ever could. Emily is gone. One minute I held her hand and the other she wasn't even by my side anymore. I don't know where she is and it kills me. I don't know whether she's dead or alive. And it freaks me out.

'I think main center's live,' Monty rips me out of my thoughts.
I look at the screens but one catches my eye. There's someone lying on a chair and some people are around. They are taking her blood.

'Oh, my god. Is that Raven?' I ask worried.
I take another a good look at the girl and see it is Raven. Are they already drilling?

Then the camera turns and other people come in sight. They are chained up on the wall. One person catches my eye. She's trying to get out. To fight. I knew that girl and I wish it was me who was standing in her spot. I can't believe she's there. Emily is chained up on the wall. My heart is breaking into a thousand peaces right now. She can't be drilled. She will die and I don't know what to do if she dies. I have to do something.

I look around and see walkies. I grab one and hold it out to Dante.

'Tell them to stop now,' I say angry.
'I won't do that,' he says to me.
I'm shaking. I'm shaking over my whole body because of the anger I feel. He's going to let Emily die. He's going to let all of them die.

Suddenly Clarke turns away from the screen and walks to me. She grabs the walkie out of my hand and holds it close to her mouth.

'Carl Emerson, Mount Weather security detail, come in,' she says.

'Who is this?' a voice asks through the walkie.

'You know who it is. Give the radio to the president.,' Clarke says.

Emerson turns around and starts to walk away.

'They're moving,' I say.

'Not a problem. I'll bring it on main monitor,' Monty says while he's working.

Suddenly the main monitor jumps on and Cage comes in sight.

'This is President Wallace,' I see him say through the walkie on the screen.

'I have your father. If you don't let my people go, I'll kill him,' Clarke says calm.
How can she be calm? Emily is in that room and she can be drilled every second. Her mom is also in there.

'How do I know you have him?'

Clarke looks at Dante and holds the walkie close to his mouth. Dante grabs her hand and starts to talk.

'Stay the course, Cage,' he says.
'You won't do it,' Cage says.
'You don't know me very well,' Clarke responds.
I look at the screen and see that Cage is scared and worried. I have the same feeling but not for Dante. I have the same feeling for Emily. I hope and i'm praying they won't hurt her. Or even touch her.

Clarke turns around and starts to walk a few steps away from us while she's talking.

'This ends now. Release my people.'

'I can't do that.'

'It would mean the end of our people, Clarke,' Dante says.

Clarke stands still for a few seconds but then she suddenly turns around with a gun pointed to Dante.

I quickly go stand next to Dante.

'Clarke, we need him,' I say trying to stop her from killing the only person we have right now who knows this mountain from the back of his head.

TWO PIECES ➸ BELLAMY BLAKEWhere stories live. Discover now