7:53 PM

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"...Open your window."



"I don't feel like getting up. If you were at the game today, you would understand why. I didn't even have my own girlfriend to coddle me."

"Oh. Sydney told me. Some guy tackled your ass. I would have went...but I was busy."

"What could you possibly-"

"Open. Your. Window."

"Fine. But you better be there."


"...Are you crazy?"

"Maybe. Maybe not."

"...What made you start a fire right outside my window?"

"It's shaped as a heart. Read the sign in my hand. I'm risking my life by standing in the middle of this, you know."

"No. I don't want to go to prom with you."

"Don't be a bitch."

"Come coddle me and I may agree."

"Go to the hospital and I may not finish the job by killing you myself."

"See? This is why I'm not going to prom with you."

"Ew. You look so gay when you snap your fingers like that."

"Another reason why we're not going together. You're such a bully."

"Just go to prom with me, Jace Carson."

"No, Ana Hollins."

"If you don't agree right now, I will embarrass myself at school tomorrow by acting like I'm in High School Musical and ask you once again in front of every one."

"Actually, I would like to see that."

"Why are we even dating?"

"Because we're perfect for each other?"

"Keep. Dreaming."

"Well, get your speech together. I expect flowers and chocolates."

"I hate you."

"That's not a good start. I don't feel flattered."

"Goodnight, asshole."

"Goodnight, darling."

"Don't be cute."


"Don't smile like that!"

"...Come. Coddle. Me."



"You're going to get me in trouble."


"I'm taking out this fire and I'm leaving."


"Fine! I'll stay for a minute."

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