8:28 AM

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"...What if he just doesn't show up? Maybe his breakup joke wasn't so much of a-" Charlie came to a stop when Gabby punched his arm. Glaring, he pushed her away and she let out a small shriek before landing on the cold airport floors.

She lifted up her leg and kicked Charlie in his ass. When he looked down at her, she showed him her middle finger. And yet out another screamed for her sister when Charlie grabbed her foot and started to drag her.

Seemed like people were way too tired and busy this morning because they would look over for a second and then look away and carry on with their day.

Ana smiled at the war going on between Charlie and Gabby but let out a sigh, closing her eyes. She balanced her body on one foot so she could focus only on her stability instead of Jace. Because if she thought about Jace right now, especially thinking about him breaking up with her, she would go dig a hole and live in there for the rest of her damn life.

"Hey...brocacho, how does this boyfriend of yours look? Some people are coming out." Alice asked and cocked her head to the side even though Ana couldn't see her. "And also...how does this second Alice look? I would like to meet her. And kick her in the face."

Alice, her roommate, had summer vacation too but had no where to stay. So, being the sweetheart of the year, Ana begged her parents to let Alice stay for the two months. They agreed but Ana didn't tell Alice about their rules yet.

Ana shrugged. "He's not one of them. I would be able to sense him."

Charlie snorted, and Gabby squinted up at him. "Yeah. Okay."

Alice laughed. "I like him."

Gabby turned her head to look at her. She was still on the floor. "Back off, sister."

Everyone stared at Gabby with wide eyes.

She huffed. "What? Charlie's mine."

"Pinch me. The Gabster is not doing this right now." Farah whispered and then screamed when Chance pinched her. Farah stuffed her hand in her pocket and pulled out a piece of paper. "Words from fourteen year old Gabby-"

"STOP." Gabby quickly got off the floor and tried to tackle her sister.

Farah smirked, running away. "Charlie may be six-"

"FARAH I WILL KILL YOU!" Gabby raced after her and Ana didn't realize her mother slipped the note in her hand.

Ana continued it. "-but he's very- wait. This isn't even cute-"

"OH LOOK. JACE'S HERE." Gabby yelled and Ana came to a fast stop, her eyes meeting Jace's. Gabby quickly grabbed the paper in Ana's hand and ripped it up.

A sob came out Ana's lips as she tried to smile.

"Okay guys...lets um...go to the gift shop?" Farah asked and everyone agreed. Soon enough, it was just Jace and Ana staring at each other.

"Hi, drunkey." he spoke first, smiling.

When he opened his arms for her, Ana ran right into him and started to bawl. "Jacey."

His scent was like a blow to the face but she liked it. She accepted it and held onto him tighter. "Now, I understand why long distance is torture." he kissed her hair. "Let's pretend that it never happened, okay?"

She laughed as he wiped her tears away. She had to stand on her toes like her mother to kiss him.  "I love you." she whispered when they pulled away from each other and gazed into each other's eyes.

"To what distance?" Jace asked, raising a brow and he grinned. "Even my love for you has a stopping point."

Ana actually gasped at this. "And where is this 'stopping point'?"

He kissed her again. "Until we die. And if there's any chance of me loving you in the afterlife, I would do whatever it takes to do so."

It was so cute and so cheesy that she cried some more.

NOTE : school starts tomorrow :/
how does one end this story?
I don't even know anymore XD
so yeah...

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