⑴ nishinoya yuu

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Note: A bit long


You were the childhood friend of the rowdy and noisy libero of Karasuno. Nishinoya Yuu. Both of you grew up from babies up to now, and things were pretty good. Well, it was supposed to be good. Not until you started to develop feelings for the certain boy. You were pretty good at hiding your feelings but it was hard to control yourself from confessing.

Nishinoya was dense about your feelings and it made you feel relieved. But you couldn't take it when he starts talking about Kiyoko-san. Every single day, he wouldn't miss a time wherein he forgets to talk about Kiyoko-san. He always said that he admired Kiyoko-san.

It made you feel really jealous. To the point that, you'd cry because you're mad at yourself. You didn't risk the chance of confessing to Nishinoya because you might ruin the friendship you built with him over the past few years.

And so, you decided to set aside your feelings for him and maintain the strong bond with him. You continued on with your everyday life and hung out with Nishinoya if you had the free time. Some people even thought that the two of you were going out.

You'd just laugh it off and tell them that the both of you are just childhood friends. 'Just childhood friends, huh?' you thought to yourself. It pains you to say that your relationship with him is just up to that point.

Whenever you were having these kinds of thoughts, you'd shake your head and tried to convince yourself that your feelings for him would just naturally go away. Oh boy, you were wrong.

Your feelings for him grew stronger by the day and you were having a hard time to hold back. You have had enough of your stupid feelings. So, you decided to confess to him later that day and tell him another thing.

It was dismissal time and you went to Nishinoya's classroom. When you packed your things, you decided to walk with him to the gym. When you were about to knock on the door, it suddenly opened. And the door showed Nishinoya.

He noticed you and had this big dorky smile on his face. That dorky smile that you have loved since before high school. He greeted you with this shine in his eyes. Your heart suddenly thumped.

Both of you walked the hallways, talking about different topics that made you laugh or smile. Slowly, he people inside the school started to decrease fast but the both of you still walked together slowly.

Suddenly, he abruptly stopped on what he was going to say and he faced you with a serious face.

Your eyes met with his. Your heart started to beat faster and it was the bad kind. Your palms started to sweat slowly and you gulped in nervousness.

"(Y/n), I think I'm inlove with Kiyoko-san." he said.

That's when you felt your world slow down and slowly shatter, piece by piece. It felt as is if your heart dropped to the ground.

You slowly blinked you eyes and tried to stop the tears from coming out. You forced yourself to smile widely.

"That's great, Yuu! Go full speed ahead and confess to her!" you exclaimed as you smiled at him.

"Should I really?!" he asked with shine in his eyes. You felt a pang inside your chest.

Once again, you forced yourself to smile and tried to stop the tears coming out.

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