⑶ kuroo tetsurō

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People have thought about you as a strict person. They didn't know anything about you but they've talked about you as if they really know you. You only met them once to thrice but that's it. They didn't spend their years with you.

For 1 year and 7 months, Kuroo's been with you. Unfortunately, he was going to agree with what they were saying about you. He felt as if he was being choked on every single moment he was spending with you. It was as if he was restricted with his every single movement. He didn't want it. He didn't like it one bit. He wanted to end it.

But he didn't know what you've always felt. For a smart person, he sure was dense about your emotions. Not noticing every small details you were giving as a hint. You didn't want to say it out loud; afraid that he'd just laugh and take it as a joke.

From the start, you've always been scared. You always overthink most of the things that're happening in your life. Always asking yourself that what if this happens, or if that action ruined everything. A coward is what you would've labeled yourself. For some reason, it came to them as strict. You knew about it from the very beginning.

You didn't let what they're saying get to you. But when it came to the people you're close to, it would matter a lot. Most of your close friends would motivate you, they knew about your personality. They'd bring you a lot of happiness. They wouldn't even trade you for anything.

"I didn't date her to feel like this! To feel like a prisoner!" he yelled over the phone. He was talking to one of his close friends or 'bro', Bokuto. You were about to surprise him when you heard him say this. You immediately froze on your spot, scared that if you move he'd know that you're there.

You flinched when you heard footsteps moving back and forth. It was coming from his room. You slowly crept your way to his rooms doorway. You leaned your ear against the wall.

"I'm so sick of this! I don't know if she even loves me! Heck, I don't know if I even love her anymore!" he yelled once again. Your heart shattered from what you've heard. Tears welled up in your eyes, but you tried to stop them fron falling.

To no avail, tears uncontrollaby roll down your cheeks. You covered your mouth to prevent from making any noise. Your knees started to feel weak. You didn't even realize that you had stopped your breathing. Suddenly, one of the floor boards creaked, to which you were sure he heard. Panicking, you ran away and repeatedly muttered small sorrys.

The next day, you woke up feeling tired. Emotionally tired. You didn't intend to hurt him in any way.

You gripped on the bed sheets tightly, to the point you're making your knuckles white. You bit your lower lip hard enough to draw blood. Then, you slowly closed your eyes and breathed in and out slowly. The metallic taste lingered in your mouth for a few seconds but soon faded.

The door slowly opened and you wiped your lips fast. Then, you saw Kuroo walking his way towards you. He sat on the edge of the bed and you turned your back away from him.

"What do you want, Ku- I mean, Tetsu?" you managed to say. You tumbled on some words but you did fine.

"Just going to hang out with slme friends from college. Is it alright if I go?" he asked with a bit of sharpness in his tone. You knew he was irritated. You sighed and closed your eyes once again.

"Yeah, sure. Do whatever you want." you replied. A bit dumbfounded, Kuroo tugged his lips into a small smile. He was confused by your strange demeanor but shrugged it off and thanked you. Once he was out of the room, you let your tears fall.


It was 2am when he came home from his friends. He thought he'd hear your nagging once again but nothing happened. He wasn't used to it so, he went to your room and opened the door. The room was dark but he could see your faint figure. He smiled to himself, not because you were already sleeping; but he was happy that he didn't hear your voice for once.

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