⑴ terushima yuuji

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uhh surprise? *sweats profusely*

more surprised to find out people are still reading this book though aaaaa

going to revise a lot of it soon hhhh please be patient with me. I'm still growing as a writer and as a journalism student *nervous laughter*

hope you guys enjoy this short one!


'How did I get through in life?' The only question currently running through your head at the moment.

Staring down at the papers that are marked with red checks, it feels as though both of your hands are about to fall off. All the papers felt heavy in your hands as our eyes skimmed through each page, checking all your answers only to find that it's all wrong. Gripping on the papers harder, you grit your teeth in frustration and tried to blink the tears away.

You're frustrated at yourself because you completely flunked some of the exams. Adding more frustration into that, you only realized that you had placed the wrong answers on some parts of the exams — after passing it to the teacher. Then your mind wandered towards your parents, whom you didn't want to disappoint in any way.

'What would they say? How would they react?'

At the time, you sat down in your seat and slammed your forehead on the desk loudly, earning some head turns towards your direction.

Sighing softly, you grumbled under your breath and a small 'sorry' passed through your lips. As you bit your lip, you grabbed your bag and searched for your phone, rummaging through like there's no tomorrow.

Not a second later, your phone was already in your hand and now open. Suddenly, you stared blankly into space as questions rang through your head like a ringing bell. As you pursed your lips into a thin line, a wave of disappointment washed over you as your heart sank deeper into oblivion. You hitched a breath as you tried to calm yourself down — and from the fact that you didn't want to make a scene.

All the while you were focusing on not breaking down in class, a certain boy was staring at you with some sort of concern reflected in his eyes. Sure he looked like a playboy for his somewhat good looks — and somewhat famous for entertaining a lot of people (mostly girls)  — he has had his heart set on you for who knows when.

When he noticed the phone in your hand, an idea came through his head. Silently thanked that he had your number in his phone — but never really texted you for who knows why — he secretly tapped away on his screen, just like the master he is at hiding his phone while doing whatever he wants. Soon enough, a small smirk appeared on his lips.

After pressing send, he casually hid his phone somewhere and acted as if nothing happened. Leaning against his seat, he secretly glanced towards yours and waited for your reaction.

Your phone buzzed from a notification which cut you off from your thoughts. With shaky fingers, you opened and read the text.

"Come on, sweet cheeks. Stop worrying your pretty little head into those exams. It's just papers, and won't define you for how smart and pretty you really are. (๑•́ ₃ •̀๑)

Failures come and go, and it teaches people new lessons in order for us to grow into a better person. It's not always rainbows in life right? We sometimes need a storm to conjure up a beautiful rainbow. Remember that sweet cheeks (。’▽’。)♡

Now, give me a smile on that beautiful face of yours, even if it's just a little bit. No matter what happens, you are not a disappointment. (。ŏ_ŏ)

I hope I cheered you up even a tiny bit (○゚ε゚○)

I'll always be here for you ฅ'ω'ฅ don't forget that! Smile for me now!


It was as if an angel from above had been sent down for you. You were already shocked that someone had texted you, more so with a text like this that had placed some relief in your heart. Not believing it for the first time, you read the text once again for a good measurement. The rumbling inside your ribcage had calmed down and was slowly returning to its normal state.

You lifted your head up and looked around the classroom to see who it was; hoping that they were watching over to see if you had read their text. As you scanned the classroom with calculating eyes, your eyes landed on the gorgeous playboy laughing with his seatmate; his arms crossed over against his chest as a playful smirk was present on his lips.

At the back of your mind, a statement screamed throughout inside you.

"I hope it was you."

Then your eyes had moved over to glance at your other classmates, but none of them had hints of that text being theirs. Just when you were about to turn your phone off, you realized something that made your heart thump loudly in your chest.

You like him.

With that realization, red hues dusted your cheeks and heat crept up to your ears, making you cover your face in embarrassment. You groaned inwardly, trying to contain the butterflies in your stomach and the fluttering of your heart.

'Why does he have to be so pretty?' You thought as you let out a blissful sigh and a fuzzy feeling lingering in your heart.

"Oh crap, I almost forgot!" You said as you opened your phone and texted a small thank you to the unknown number.

Terushima's gaze on you only stopped once his phone buzzed. His heart did somersaults when he opened the text message.

"Thank you so much! (>︿<。) I was so close to breaking down and your text instantly calmed me down!

I'd like to meet you so I can thank you properly ❀(*´▽'*)❀

And I'd love to get to know you in person more, 'piercing' (ˊ˘ˋ*)

(Y/n) ♡"

And that did it for him. His face turned bright red that he had to immediately bow his head on top of his desk. He blinked several times and bit his lower lip out of excitement.

You sent him a heart! A heart for him!

He felt elated just reading your text and made him feel as if he was on cloud nine. This is a day he would never forget.

Raising his head enough just so he could get a glance at you, a smile made its way onto his lips as he saw your cheeks dusted with a hint of pink.

Oh was he more than ready to see you get all flustered because of him — and only him.


Sorry if there were grammatical errors, missing letters, missing words, and misspelled words.


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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2020 ⏰

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