⑴ ushijima wakatoshi

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It was Wednesday. And, it was supposed to be a normal day. Supposed to be. But the thing is, there were a lot of fangirls by the entrance of the gym. It was making you very very irritated. The gym was supposed to be quiet, and all you could've heard all the time was the bouncing of the ball, squeaks of the players shoes, a player instructing another. But no, this time screaming of girls could be heard all through out the gym.

The girls were constantly yelling the players name like there's no tomorrow. Being the manager of the team was already hard and stressful enough but the girls made you have bad headaches. You wanted to shoo them away but there's a lot of them. They'd just glare at you and you don't want any trouble.

Besides, you were already stressed enough. Being the manager of the volleyball team, the president of (preferred club), and a pile of homework and more school projects.

The girls continued to scream the players name, one after another.

"Tsutomu-san, you can do it!"

"Satori-kun, I love your hair!"

"Kenjirō-senpai, goodluck!"

Then it continues on and on until you can't take anymore of it. You furiously rubbed your temples and the bridge of your nose. The screams weren't helping, and you were really close to snapping. Nobody wants to see you snap. It's like a demon has unleashed from hell, that's what the people you've met before say.

Couple of minutes later, the coach blew the whistle and the boys had water break. You grabbed some water bottles and towels. You were going to give it to the boys of the team but a crowd of fangirls had blocked your way.

"Taichi-kun, here's a towel for you."

"Semi-senpai, please accept this cookies I made for you!"

Behind the crowd of fangirls, you heavily sighed. You placed the water bottles and towels back to its container. The headache you've been having was getting worse as you listened to the girls screaming and squealing their hearts out.

You went to the head coach and excused yourself, saying that you were going to the nurses office. He nodded his head and you turned your heels away, walking out of the gym. You thought no one noticed that you went out of the gym. But pretty much everybody from the team noticed that you were gone, even though the place was a bit crowded.

You didn't know but you caught a certain persons interest for a while now. And that person is the ace of the boys volleyball team, Ushijima Wakatoshi. You were oblivious about it and didn't even feel that he was staring or looking at your from time to time. Scratch that, all the time. He was practically looking at you every time you caught his eye.

And now, he was the first to notice that you had gone out of the gym. He saw you walk out as you sighed. He just stared at you, and then your back until you were out of sight. He was curious as to why you were sighing and rubbing your temples over and over again.

Then, his deep thinking was suddenly interrupted by squeals of fangirls. Suddenly, girls were surrounding him and it was making him uncomfortable. He looked at the girls with an unsure expression, but the girls didn't seem to get his silent message. His eyebrows knitted a bit but it wasn't that noticeable. Well, he was getting annoyed with their screams.

"Excuse me, but please don't interrupt our break and practice." he exclaimed as properly as he could. He didn't want to sound rude. The girls stopped and nodded at each other, telephatically speaking to each other, all of them went out of the gym. Suddenly, it was quiet and you came back. You were a bit confused and asked yourself where did the fangirls go but you kept silent.


The next Thursday, practice was about to start and the girls were coming one by one. Soon, the girls were blocking the entrance and nobody would get pass them. You gripped the pen and clipboard you were holding lightly, hoping that they'd just watch silently.

The coach blew the whistle, initiating that practice will start soon. You jumped when the girls started screaming their lungs out. People from the distance could hear their screams. You squeezed your eyes shut and calmed your self down. You didn't to burst your anger towards them.

Ushijima was looking at you at the very moment, then glanced at the fangirls. His eyes went back and forth, and an idea popped into his mind. He went to the crowd, and they were all staring at him, some were blushing, and some were stopping themselves from screaming and jumping at him. He looked down at them and opened his mouth to say something.

"Leave this instant." he said, making the girls completely silent. Everyone from the team looked towards his direction, including you. Then, he took a glance at your direction, and he saw you looking at his direction. It made him unintentionally smirk a little.

"My girlfriend doesn't like loud noises." he bluntly stated, and then he looked you. You seem to get his message and it made you blush from embarrassment. All the girls gasped, shocked that their Ushijima was already taken. Fortunately, they weren't the bad ones; resulting to them leaving silently while closing the door behind them.

Ushijima walked towards to where you were standing, and looked at you dead in the eyes. You were still in a state of shock and embarrassment. You just came to your senses when you felt a pair of eyes looking at you. You turned redder when you saw Ushijima staring at you. You opened your mouth, finding the right words to say to him.

"Wha–How? Whe-When did I become your girlfriend?!" you had managed to blurt out. You were still confused, and your heat was pounding like crazy. You ears had turned red, and Ushijima found it cute.

"Just now." he replied, answering your question. Hearing his answer made your legs weak. You grabbed onto his arms, accidentally dropping the clipboard and pen.

On the other hand, everybody else just watched the scene in front of them; thinking that Ushijima can be that kind of person.


Finally finished this! (^^;) Haven't uploaded in a week and that's because we had exams. I hate exams, especially math. Math and I don't get along.

Anyways, hoped you enjoyed the story! Sorry if there were grammatical errors or misspelling. I just skimmed through. Also, sorry if there are missing words. I think a bit fast and the words just slip out of my head, and my hands are really sweaty, so that's another thing.

Coming up next is an angst with Kuroo.


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